05 | Hired!

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A/n: So I don't know if you noticed ( well you probably did ) but I changed the cover of the book ayyeee. I think it's cuter like this :3 Now, on with the story!


Hikaru headed to the Host Club first so that he could change into the 'cosplay' that they were doing.

Checking my messages, I looked at my phone while walking to the 3rd Music Room. When I reached there, I put the phone in my school bag since the stupid uniform dress thingy doesn't have any pockets. Sighing, I pushed open the door and was met with the familiar rose petals, blinding light and the chorused "Welcome!"

"Oh, there you are, Aoi-chan!" The twins chirped as I took notice of their traditional kimonos.

"Yeah, here I am." I said while glancing at Hina, who was at a table with Tamaki, of course.

"Aoi-chan! Aoi-chan!" I turned around to the childish voice, "Do you think the kimono looks good on me?"

"Yeah, it does Hani-senpai." He really is like a little kid.

Nearby me, I heard a few girls talk about a photo collection which caught my attention.

"Photo collection?" I asked Kyoya-senpai.

"Yes, but in truth, it's just a bunch of photos taken by amateurs." He pulled out blurred photos and showed them to me, Haruhi was also looking from the side at the pictures.

'Maybe I could...'

"I could be the Host Club's photographer." All the hosts looked at me as I covered my mouth in embarassed.

'Stupid me! Why can't I just shut up sometimes!'

"If we accepted you as a photographer, it could be misinterpreted as favoritism among our customers." He pushed his glasses up, as if he was taunting me to reply.

"Would you rather sell those crappy pictures? Not long from now, your customers might stop buying them. I assure you that I can take proper pictures and I promise you that I'm not doing this to get close to the hosts."

'Hehe well, you might be doing this to get close to the twins. Just a bit.' A tiny voice in the back of my head whispered.

'Shut up. I don't like them.' I sighed, 'I'm going freaking insane. I've started to talk to myself.'

He smirked, "Well then, you've been hired. I trust that you already have your own camera?"

I pushed my own glasses up, mocking him in a way, "Of course."

Hikaru cut in, "Aoi chan -

- is our new photographer?" Kaoru finished.

I nodded at them, blushing very lightly.

Kaoru put his hand around my waist as Hikaru rested his arm over my shoulder.

"We might consider letting you take pictures of us without our clo-

Before they could continue, I slapped both my hands around their mouths, knowing what they were about to say. My light blush turned into a deep red.

"Shut. Up."

They laughed in perfect unison, "Aoi-chan really does want to see us without our-

Again, I cut them off by slamming my elbows into their stomachs. They backed away in shock and whined.

"You're so meeaaaaan."

Haruhi backed me up, "That's what you get for harassing our new photographer." He looked at me, "Are you having a fever or something?"

I jumped and quickly turned away while placing my hands on my blushing cheeks and laughed nervously, "N-No, I'm fine." Luckily the twins were still writhing in pain on the floor so they didn't hear what Haruhi said.

Turning back around after I stopped blushing, I noticed that Haruhi looked really... girly, but I brushed it off as normal.

Suddenly, our attention was focused on a girl hiding behind a wall. She seemed like a new customer. Taking notice of this, the twins approached her with roses and offered her to come in.

For some reason, I felt something hurt in my heart when they did.

'Am I... jealous? ...Well this is part of what they do at the club...'

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a voice shout, "YOU PHONY PRINCE!"

I looked at the girl the twins greeted and at Tamaki-senpai, who was sulking in the corner. Silently, I watched as she complained about how this isnt 'good enough' and bossed around the hosts by telling them how to act like. To top it off, she claimed to be Kyoya-senpai's fiance.

"What... the hell...?" I muttered.

"And who might you be?" She said while pointing at me. Oops, I hope she didn't hear that.

"Um, the photographer." I replied.

She rubbed her chin, "Well then I guess I don't need to give you a role." She waved me off, "You're fine."

"Lucky you." Haruhi laughed.

"I guess so." I shrugged.

'This is going to be a long day...'

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