Chap 2!!!

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I woke up to a normal busy day. I got up and did my usual morning routine, brush my teeth, pick out something to wear and take a shower. But I always took a shower first but my girlfriend, Karrueche, was already in there. Me and Karrueche have been dating for about 2 years now and it has been the LONGEST time I have been dating cause usually I date for some months and be on to the next one. But I love her really much. She's a model and she is 5'1 but she short as hell cause I'm 6'2.

" Kae where are you? " I said already knowing what she was doing. " In the shower babe, be out in a minute! " she yelled. At that point I knew it was my cue to go in there with her, so I did. I snuck in the bathroom very quietly and tip toed to the shower door. I slowly opened the shower door and stod there for a while. Its amazing how she didnt know I was standing there. I stood there for 5 minutes admiring her amazing little petite body while the water was slowly dripping off of it. She finally turned around and screamed a little.

" Ugh god damn it Chris, u scared me" she said with a chuckle. She didnt care to cover herself up cause I've seen her naked PLENTY of times, trust me. " Hahaha, I didnt know I had to have a invotation to watch my girlfiend shower, or even get in with her " I said with a wink and a smile. * she sighs * " You know you dont, now stop playin around and get in here " she said. As soon as she said that, I stripped out of my clothes and happily jumped in with her. We got out and got ready for the day.

I had to go to the studio and Kae had to go to a photo shoot so we went our seperate ways. When I got to the studio, it was the same thing. I would write songs, get some beats to go with it, record it, DONE! But after such a long day, me and my home boy, Tyga, was talking.

" So hows little Kae " he said. " She......... iight " I said while hesitating. " Hahaha why you say it like that bro " he said with a chuckle. " Because she has been such a pain in the ass lately, she keep bothering me about stuff and keep bringing this Rih stuff up and she be shopping and using my card and thinkin the shit ok!!!!!!! " I said with a slight yell in my voice. " O Damn " he said, " What you gonna do " he asked. " I dont know man, I just want someone who loves me for me and not my money you know.  Like my bestfriend I can count on and doesnt care about the fame " I said. " Yeah I feel you and plus you dont wanna break up with cause there are enough rumors about you and Rih and if u break up with her, they gonna accuse you of doin it for Rih " he said. I was really listening to him cause what he was saying was true, and I didnt wnt to risk that. " Yeah your right man, Im gon have to pull through it " I said


2 weeks pretty much past quickly! We graduated and me and Cassie were excited as hell. It was Saturday night and Cassie was over helping me pack. " I cant believe 2 weeks have past this quickly! " she said. " I know right, were gonna be relaxing, nobody telling us what to do" I stated. " Cute boys, going to clubs, lots of flirting and even going to they crib " she said all jumpy. Oh I forgot to mention that Trey and Cassie broke up. It all happened because she was supposed to surprise him at his house but when she went upstairs to his rom, she found him sleeping with another girl. She was heart broken for a couple of days but chose to get over it by flirting with a whole bunch of guys. But it made her happier so like I said before if she's happy I'm happy.

" Hahaha I dont know about all that " I said " Come on, when are you ever gonna lose your virginity" " "Ummm when my time comes and I find the right which will be never" I said with slight anger in my voice. " Well, just know that we are gonna have fun " she said.

The day that we were leaving had came. We went to the airport and gave hugs, kisses, said our goodbyes and WE WERE OFF!!!!!!!!!!! Finally we were on our own. Even though that airplane food was disgusting, we were still too happy to complain. We finally got to our condo we were staying in. When we walked in, we were so amazed, IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. " OMG look at this view!!!! " I yelled in excitement. " OMG look at these rooms, I call this one " she said. I rolled my eyes and walked to my room which was across from hers. I sat on the bed and looked around until I was interrupted by Cassie coming into the room. " So what you wanna do tonight " she asked " I dont have a clue, we just got here " I said.  " Yeah but I feel like going to a club, I feel pretty hype " she said putting her hands in the air.  " I wont lie, Im in a partying mood too, so LETS DO IT!! " I yelled " WHOOHOOO " she yelled. So we settled in for a while then when it became dark we began to get to ready. I had a black strappless dress that stopped before my knees. It was kinda puffy towards the end of it. And I put on my red bottoms that I had bought back at home. I straightened my hair which is all black and is long so it stops down my back. Got some jewelry and put it on. I finally was ready and I looked in the mirror and I have to admit, I LOOKED GREAT. I always though I was pretty but not enough for guys * not that I care though *. I had curves in all the right places and yes I did have a butt!! But it wasnt as big as Nicki Minaj's. It was about 1/2 the size but big enough. My boobs were alright I just wore a C cup though but it was alright. And I was pretty thick. So I was alright for a 19 year old. I was a red-bone cause I was pretty light skin with hazel eyes. The dress showed my curves perfectly. While I was in a daze, Cassie caught me out of it. " You re- " she said as I cut her off by turning around. " Wow girl you look, AMAZING!!! " she said while smiling. " Thanks so do you " I said back. " Well then........... lets roll "

While we were headed to the club, I was so excited cause tonight was the night I was just gonna let loose and have fun. I might even flirt with some guys if their not assholes. But hey, Im gonna try.

We got there, showed the man our ID and we got in. As soon as we stepped foot in there, Cassie went straight to the bar and left me. Im like wtf but whatever so I sat down and got a few drinks and Cassie came up to me. " Come dance with me " she said half drunk. So im like what the heck, might as well dance as if im drunk. " sure " I said. We got on the dance floor and dancing with each other. So I got tired and we sat down again taking some shots. While we were sitting there, I was just glancing at the dance floor..... and then I saw a guy that looked so damn familiar..... He tuned around and we made eye contact. We had to be looking at each other for like two minutes until he broke it while smiling. When I saw that smile, I finally noticed who it was.......... IT WAS THE REAL CHRIS BROWN RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES!!!!!!! He turned away for a second and thats when I got the chance to tell Cassie. " Omg Cassie, Chris Brown is here " I said shaking her. " WTF your lying " she said looking at me crazy. " No Im not look at him right there, we've made I contact and he gave me a smile but thats it." " Oooooooooooh he likes you " she said with a smile. " What....... no he doesnt, he has other girls to play with." I said " Okay, then why is he walking this way towards you " she said. When she said that my heart dropped! " OMFG OMFG ok how do I look, hows my teeth, hows my hair..... I have to make a good impression.. HE'S FAMOUS!! " I said nervously. " You look beautiful hun, just be you boo boo, you'll be fine " * sigh * " Ok i will try " He walked up to me at that very second. Then he stopped to look at another girl, UGH that just got me pissed off so I had a little bit of an attitude.

" Hey, Im Chris...... as if you dont kno "

" * scoffs * umm yes I kno who you are "

" And you are " he asked

I didnt answer cause I was still disgusted. So Cassie answered for me.

" Ummm her name is Gabrielle but people call her Gabbi "

" Kewl, thats a pretty name, Gabbi " he said with a smile.

Ugh the only thing about him that was irresistable was that million dollar smile but I wasnt gonna fall for it.

" Thanks, i guess...... umm dont you have other things to do and other girls to mess around with. "

" wow you didnt look like you had a attitude when you gave me that beautiful stare "

" Oh Right "

" you know what if your gonna have all this damn attitude in you when I did nothing, I can leave cause its a whole lot of people who wants a piece of this. "

" haha Im sure they do want a player piece of shit like you and since everyone does why dont you go on then..... matter of fact I will help you get them "

I walked away from where he was and I went where the dj was on the stage. I asked the dj can I say something. So when he gave me the microphone.... I just took over! " Ayy ladies... Chris brown, right over there.. is willing to take home five girls with him that can fit in his car... get your chance while it lasts " After I said that all the girls in the club * except me of course * ran towards him and even jumped on him... I got off the stage laughing a little then went over to where he was and giving him a wink and a chuckle.

* 1 hour later *

Well after all of that..... Chris was no where to be found...... like I cared though. But I couldnt find Cassie and she wasnt in the club. So I went outside and looked everywhere................. then i noticed that the car that we came in was gone...... " WTF " I say to my self. Then my phone goes off and I got a text from Cassie. I checked it and it said...

" Met this amazing guy and Im at his crib and sorry.... I took the car, just get a ride from someone "

What the hell..... is she really this drunk that she left me here alone. She really pissed me off this time. " UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! " I yell. " Whats the matter grumpy " a familiar voice said. I turned around and it was CHRIS peeping around the corner. " What do you want Chris " I said while tears were coming down my eyes.

" Whats wrong "

"My friend left me and I have no ride home and its kinda scary being alone here" I said with a chuckle and my voice shaking a little

" Oh well I can give you a ride "

" Nooo Chris you cant do that after what I did to you! "

" Well Im a big forgiver and I dont hold grudges so you gon let me give you a ride "

"Umm.... I guess so"

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