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Pete's hand shook as he saw the answer. His palms became sweaty as he had to tell Ariana this result. He walks out without the test. He looks at her on the bed.

He gently walks over to her and sits on the side. "Ariana" he asks making her look up to him. "You are pregnant" he gently tells her stroking her hair. "We only have had sex like 5 times are you sure you used protection" Ariana asks and he nods kissing her head. "I wouldn't put you through this on purpose Ariana" he sighs. "Okay" she smiles sitting up and sitting on his knee.

"I'm gonna have a baby" she smiles "we're going to have a baby" he corrects her. "What" Ava asks making Ariana's and Pete's face snap towards the door. "Baby girl why aren't you in bed" Ariana asks "it's cold" she whines "come here" Ariana smiles and Ava runs into her arms.

"Damn baby your freezing" Ariana pouts wrapping her in a blanket. "So mummy and daddy will have baby" Ava asks and they nod.

"Can I sleep in your bed" she asks making Ariana nods her head letting her crawl into bed.

"You okay" Pete asks Ariana and Ariana nods. "I'm happy are you" she asks "I am happy" he smiles kissing her head.

"I guess it wasn't like last time" she smiles "that's true. You ever want to talk about anything I'm here" he smiles and Ariana nods.

"I think our princess wants us to come to bed" Ariana chuckles "yeah I do too" he smiles "you get in bed I'll go and make sure everything is locked downstairs" Pete tells her and Ariana nods.

Ariana crawls into bed next to Ava and cuddles her. "Mummy" she asks "yeah" Ariana asks "I love you" she smiles "I love you too more than anything, come in you have nursery in the morning you need some sleep" Ariana tells her and she nods.

"Baby Baby" Pete rushes after Ariana as she throws up into the toilet. "I'm okay" Ariana says "come on come back to bed" he rubs her back "no I have to get Ava to nursery" Ariana says standing up. "Baby it's okay I'll do it." He tells her and she nods "you'll need the card from my purse and they'll put your name down on who can pick her up" Ariana explains. "Okay." He kisses her head.

Ariana walks back to bed and lies down. Pete gently picks Ava up and carries her to her room. "Daddy" she mumbles "mummy isn't well so I'm going to take you to nursery okay" he smiles and she nods rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Can you adopt me" she asks looking up to his eyes. "Urm Ava." Pete shudders "as much as I would love to you do need to ask your mum" he says and Ava nods. "Come on let's get your dressed." He smiles kissing her head.

Ava stands up and Pete smiles before getting her clothes out. Putting her in her uniform. "You have to do my hair daddy" she giggles making Pete smile had her cuteness. He grabs the brush and brushes it into a ponytail. "All pretty" He smiles "it's cold do I have to wear socks can I wear tights" she asks and Pete nods grabbing her a pair and helping her get them on.

Pete takes her downstairs with her bag and made her a packet lunch making sure he added something healthy while she ate her breakfast.

"Come on beautiful before your late" he smiles routing through Ariana's bag. He finds the card before helping Ava into the car.

Pete walks up to the bedroom and smiles at Ariana on her phone. "How are you feeling princess" Pete asks sitting next to her. "I'm okay." She smiles leaning up to kiss his lips. "Sex 4 times and pregnant wow" she giggles "I guess condoms didn't like us" he chuckles making her smile.

"I love you so very much" she smiles "I love you too" he smiles. "Ava asked me something before" he says "and that was that" she asks "she asks me to adopt her" Pete says "she did what" Ariana asks sitting up "calm down it's okay" he tells her making her relax. "What did you tell her" she asks "wait I need a wee" she says getting out of bed and going to the toilet.

Ariana comes back out a few seconds later and smiles "I told her she would have to ask you. Your her mother" he tells her making her nod. "I mean if your happy to adopt her I'll be happy to let you" she smiles "I would love to adopt that little girl" he smiles.

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