Chapter Eighteen: Perfect

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Finally, it was my first day at NYU. I was starting of taking my general classes. Trying to get those out of my way, I had mostly math and science classes that semester. My first class was Pre-Calc. I sat down in the corner, in a seat in the front, before opening my planner and starting to try to plan out my week.

As more people came into the class, nobody sat in the seat next to me. I was okay with that, as I always tried to avoid awkward small talk with the people in my classes. However, a minute before class started, I inwardly sighed as I felt a presence sit down next to me. I glanced up at the guy, only to feel my stomach drop.

You've got to be kidding me.


He grinned at me. "Annie!"

"Why?" I groaned. "Why are you stalking me?!"

"Well, you should be glad I'm here. From what I remember in high school, you suck at math! And I am an accounting major, so I can probably help you out if you need it."

"So, you are stalking me?"

He chuckled. "I am not stalking you, Annie! I signed up for this class weeks ago!"

I narrowed my eyes at him. If that was true, then he had signed up for this class before I did. "Alright, fine, I'll believe you this time..."

He grinned, turning to the front as the professor came to the front and began the class.

"So," he said as we walked out of the classroom, "there's a party tonight, at my buddy Brian's frat house. I want you to come." At my look of shock and defiance, he said. "Now, wait, before you say no! Jaida and Gabriela should come too. You don't even have to come talk to me. I just want you there."

"Why?" I asked. "Won't you just be trying to get as many girls as you can?"

He sighed, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the side of the hall so that we weren't in anybody's way. "Look, Annie. I know you don't believe me, but I want you. And, when I tell you that, you tend to run away as fast as you can. So, I'm taking tiny baby steps. Like, the tiniest steps I can possibly take. I want you to know that you don't have to run away. That I want to be here, in this, with you. And I don't care if you go on other dates with, and sleep with a hundred other guys. I just want to be the last one you're with. That's why I want you to come to the party. I want you to know that I'm serious. I'm not going to run to other girls."

I sighed, looking into his blue eyes that I'd always been enamored with. "Fine. I will... think about coming to the party..."

He grinned. "Oh, you'll think about it, huh?"

"Mhmm! Now, I gotta go to my next class. I'll see you around, Justin. Text me the time and address for that party!" And, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Justin spin around and fist bump.

When I got home from my classes that day, both Jaida and Gabriela were already home. "Uh, hey!" I said to them, and they both looked up from their books.

"Hi! What's up?" Gabriela asked.

"So... You guys might kill me... But, Justin invited me to a party. He told me to bring you two. Will you guys come with me?"

Jaida groaned. "I swear, if you guys start this bullshit like how it was in high school, I'm strangling you this time!"

"Is that a yes?" I asked hesitantly.

Jaida looked at Gabriela, who gave her a big grin in return. "It's a yes," Jaida sighed.

"Thank you guys!" I exclaimed, running up and hugging them.

I went into my room to get ready, and by the time we had to leave to the party I had changed into a cute little black dress and black booties, curled my hair, and put on a cute makeup look with a red lip. When I got out, Gabriela was wearing a crop top and high waist shorts with a high pony-tail, and Jaida was wearing a red bodycon dress with her hair in two french braids.

"You girlies look hot!" I exclaimed.

"Not as hot as you!" Gabriela replied brightly.

I laughed, shaking my head, before grabbing my keys to head out.

It was about a fifteen minute taxi ride from our apartment to the frat house, Gabriela making small talk with the taxi driver.

When we got there, the party was in full swing. People from inside spilled out on to the lawn, and music was blaring. Jaida, Gabriela, and I made our way through the crowd, going to find drinks.

"I wonder where Justin is!" Gabriela yelled over the music.

"I'm sure he'll show up!" Jaida said with an eye roll.

"Well before he does, let's go dance!" Gabriela took both of our wrists, pulling us behind her to the living room to start dancing.

As we danced together, I glanced up at the stairs, just to see the familiar blue eyes staring at me. Justin was standing on the staircase, watching me dance without smiling, more of a lustful look in his eyes. I smirked to myself, returning my attention to the girls to dance with them.

After a few minutes, Jaida looked at a spot behind me and grinned. "I think Justin might burn holes in the back of your head with his eyes if you don't go over to him soon."

I giggled, squeezing her hand, before turning around and making my way out of the sweaty crowd of people dancing.

I made my way over to the bottom of the stairs, looking up and catching Justin's eye instantly. He grinned, rushing down the steps, taking my hand in his. "I'm so glad you made it!"

I grinned at him. "Me too!"

"C'mon! It's so loud in here, let's go outside and talk!" He wrapped an arm around me, leading me out the back door. There were very few people out there, as it was starting to get colder. "So, how are enjoying your very first college party?"

"It's... a lot," I laughed. "Not really sure if it's completely my thing."

Justin chuckled, "Oh, yeah, I get that."

I rolled my eyes, shoving him lightly. "No you don't! You love places like this! You were constantly asking me to go to parties with you when we were fake dating."

"Well, that was pretty close to a year ago. I like to think I've grown up a bit since then."

"Oh, really?"

"Yup. Like, for instance, I haven't had sex since before I broke up with Liz."

My jaw dropped slightly. Was this the same man-whore Justin I had known back in high school? "Really?"

"Yeah, really. I would try, I'd go out and try to find girls but... I just couldn't stop thinking about you. I know how cheesy it seems, trust me, but I think we might have been destined to move in so close to each other."

I smiled, grabbing him by the collar of his t-shirt and pulling him close. "If you hurt me like that again, I swear..."

"I swear I won't."

"Good." I pulled him into me, connecting our lips and kissing him passionately.

Once he pulled away, he sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I don't want to do this how we did it before. I want to date you the right way. Take you out, ask each other questions, talk for hours, and no sex until we feel like it's right."

I smiled, pecking his lips one more time. "That actually sounds perfect."

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. As I rested my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat, I couldn't help but feel like everything was going to finally be perfect.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed Chapter Eighteen! Let me know what you think in the comments, and if you enjoyed it I'd really appreciate you leaving me a vote!

Question of the Day: Do you think things are really going to be perfect like Annie believes?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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