Chapter Eleven: The Talk

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"Um... I-I should go!" I grabbed my jacket and practically ran out of the house.

I was mortified. And why was I mortified? Justin's dad had just come into the house as I was leaving, and his half naked son was coming down the steps, after I had just lost my virginity to said son. I ran up to my room, flung myself into my bed, and hid under my blankets.

Not too long after that, I heard the door open downstairs. I chose not to go down and greet my parents, still feeling weird about Justin's dad walking in on us. That was when I heard my mom calling for me. I sighed, getting up and going downstairs to meet my parents in the kitchen.

Now, my parents weren't the strictest parents in the world, but they did worry about me a lot, mostly because I was their only daughter after they tried to have a kid for years. I couldn't get away with nearly as much as other kids my age got away with. So, when they called me downstairs, it made my heart start beating a bit faster than normal.

"Hey," I said, trying to sound like I wasn't guilty. "What's up?"

My parents were the classic successful business people. They spent more time at the office than they did at home, but they still managed to find time for each other. They met while they worked together, and because dating other people that worked there wasn't allowed, my dad left and went to another place, starting again from the bottom so he could marry my mom.

"Can you please sit down, sweetie?" my mom said sweetly. I did as she said, taking a seat at the kitchen table across from them.

"So, I got a call from Rob, Justin's dad," my dad said, who seemed to be far less able to hold in what he was feeling than my mom.

"Oh," I said, trying to keep my face as neutral as possible.

"So," my dad said, evidently getting more frustrated with me, "wanna tell us why you were leaving their house while Justin was in his boxers?"

I noticed my mom grabbing my dad's hand, trying to calm him down while my mind raced for a reply. "I just went over to help Justin with his English homework... I don't know why he was in his boxers when I was leaving." I knew it was a lame excuse, but it was all I could think of on the spot. I didn't expect Justin's dad to call my parents, figuring he wasn't someone to judge when he'd been cheating on his wife for a long time.

My dad scoffed, and my mom gave me a sad smile. "We don't need to know what happened!" she said. "We only care that you're being safe..."

"Oh, god, mom!" I groaned, while my dad looked at her in panic.

"Hey, these things are important to know! If you're going to be sexually active, Annie..."

"Ugh!" my dad exclaimed pointedly.

"... Then, we need to know that you're not going to get an STI or get pregnant!" she finished, glaring at him.

"Mom!" I whined. "That's never going to happen!"

"That's what all teenagers think," she sighed.

"Mom! I'm going back up to my room!" I stood up, quickly rushing out of the kitchen and back up to my room. Great, now I had been completely mortified two times in one day.

Suddenly, there was a tapping on my window. I stood up, going over to it quickly and opening it, seeing Justin leaning out of his window, just like the night that this all started. "Hey, I am so sorry about my dad!" he exclaimed.

I laughed, rolling my eyes. "Why'd he have to go and snitch?" I joked.

"How bad were your parents?" Justin asked, flinching slightly.

"Could've been worse I guess," I sighed. "My mom tried to give me a sex talk in front of my dad."


"I know! They're so weird."

He smiled, and after a few moments, it turned into a smirk. "So..." he said suggestively. "We just had sex..."

I laughed. "Wow, your comprehension skills are getting great!"

"That was rude," he said flatly. "I seemed to be able to tell that you had a great time during what we just did." The mischief had returned to his voice, apparently letting the insult roll off his back.

"And your point?" I replied with a smirk of my own.

"Just that I can't wait to enjoy that with you over and over again."

My stomach dropped, and my smile faltered slightly. With everything that had happened that day, I had almost forgotten that I was going to fake break up with him because KC was starting to show interest. As hard as I tried to hide it, Justin noticed immediately. "What's wrong?"

"Look, KC asked me to go to a concert with him the other day. Which is good, because I think that means the plan's working, and he wants to get close because he likes me, right?"

"I mean... Yeah, probably..." Justin said this without any emotion.

"And that's what we want! So, I think we should tell people we broke up tomorrow!"

"Yeah, sure. If that's what you want. We can be broken up." With that, he slammed his window shut, and my eyes widened. I slowly shut my window, feeling very confused about why Justin seemed angry at me.


*peaks out from around the corner* Hey guysssss! I know, I know, it's been so long since I've updated! I really never meant for it to get to be this long, but it happened without me meaning to, I swear! At first, I needed the time to heal from my breakup and really wasn't feeling in a romance story telling mood. Also, thank you all for your kind comments and messages, I appreciate them all so much! I am feeling much better than when you last heard from me. So, now, the WiFi at my house is broken so even if I wanted to write at home, I can't. I am currently sitting in Caribou, where I plan to go once a week to be able to write and update chapters. So thank you all so much for your patience and your kindness! I promise this will be a story that is updated regularly again!

So, question of the day: What do you think Justin's going to do now that he and Annie are "broken up"?

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