Chapter One: The Realm Crystal

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Third person view

While the ninja were on a mission, Sensei Wu went to meditate it helped him get his mind clear of worry and fear. While he meditated he lit the innsence that would sometimes give him visions. He was hoping for nothing of the sort and almost thought that there was nothing until right before he got up he saw a vision of the ninja using the realm crystal to go to a land with dazzling structures and mystical creatures only thought to have been mystical or extinct and people with what seemed like only the magical powers an elemental master could have but they dressed with tunics and pants and what also looked like capes with claspes of different things like a circle with a symbol on the inside. They also seemed a lot good looking than normal people could ever look and seemed like everyone was rich with money beyond compare.
Once Sensei Wu saw this vision of the ninja going to this miraculous place, as soon as they got back from their mission Sensei Wu told them to come with him immediately.
They went into New ninjago city and went and saw Mr.Borg, he was the one who made sure priceless objects or magical objects were kept in absolute security, meaning it was always watched with the strongest of technology and guards.
" What can I do for you guys today" Mr Borg asks the ninja as they walk in looking freaked out and some (*cough cough* Jay and lily) very excited and energetic.
" We need to get the realm crystal, it's for the newest mission we have been assigned to by Sensei Wu, he said that he saw a vision and we need the realm crystal to get there" Lloyd, the leader of the group, answers Mr. Borg.
" Of course, anything for the ninja" Mr. Borg says nicely as he leads them to a special room off to the side of his office. As they step in it seems like it is just a normal side closet, but knowing Mr. Borg it probably had a secret latch or button or something that opened up to another area in the room. He walks, or rolls over is what you should say since he is in a wheelchair, and he moves a little sliding door to reveal a button and four digits. He spins the numbers around and presses the button, which then opens a small door over to the side of the wall. When they enter through the door, they come into a small room that holds a small box T.V looking thing and before he walks up to it he reaches his hand to the side and flips a switch or something a sound comes on and then Mr.Borg enters some random code using symbols to the side of the box and then finally the realm crystal pops out. Lloyd grabs the Crystal delicately takes it from Mr.Borg, thanks him and Lloyd and the rest of the ninja rush off back to the destinies bounty.

Lilys point of view (My Oc)

Once we got back home from retrieving the realm crystal we go and get Sensei to tell him that we got it. When we find him I start to wonder if not all of us will be able to go, I mean there is 9 of us Me, Lloyd he's my brother, then there is Kai,Nya,Jay, Cole, Zane, Blake and Alyssa... I guess. But there is 11 of us if you also count Zane' s falcon and Blake's Dragon, which can change size, so that will be helpful. When we talk to Sensei he tells us that we must take the realm crystal to go to the realm that he described. Jay and I are very excited to go to a new realm.
" When do we get to go" I ask jittery with excitement.
" You must go pack the things you need, you might be there a while, so pack everything you think is necessary then come and get me so I can send you off "
" Wait, you not coming with us" Kai says concerned.
" No, I must stay here, I will only slow you down and I need to stay here to watch the place" Sensei tells us as he shoos us off to go pack.
I go to my room and grab a bag, I grab anything I think I might need. Once I think I've gotten everything I go and check on Lloyd.
" how's it going in here " I ask entering his room.
" fine, just worrying that something is going to happen while we are gone or if the other realm that we are going to needs help or what it's going to be like, its just a little scary to think about" Lloyd answers me still packing.
" yeah, I suppose but, it could also be a great expeience for us we could also make new friends in this new realm" I try to assure him.
" We could also make new enemies" He tells me plainly.
" Stop being so negative and worriying it will be fine" I say happily. Once he finishes packing we head out to the front of the Bounty. When we get in there I see that Nya was landing the Bounty in a clear area in the forest. When everyone got up to the Bow of the ship and Nya landed the ship we all got out.
" I hope I will see you soon" Misako, my mom tells me as she hugs Lloyd and I. " Make sure to watch out for each other and stay safe" She tells all of us.
" Now lets get you to this realm" Sensei tells us. He shows us how the crystal works and how to get back from the Realm. Once we know how to do that Lloyd takes the crystal and makes a portal. We all yell bye as we walk through it.
Sophie's point of view
" All right, you ready Foster" Keefe yells at me from the cliff side, as I look over the edge, taking deep breathes so I don't make myself sick.
" It will be fine Sophie we've done this before" My friend Bianna tells me, raising my courage.
" Or we can just find a different way to get there" Dex, My best friend tells me staring done looking a little scared.
"No, I can do it, is everyone ready" I tell them. Everyone nods as we all jump off the cliff. Everyone is screaming as I try to foucus to open up a rift so I can teleport. I can only teleport by freefalling and this was also the fastest way to get places. Once I do open up a rift and we fall through it. I imagine the place I want to go, I imagine a beutiful valley with flowers everywhere and a water fall in the backround and trees to the side with deep geen leaves blooming all over them and two alicorns playing in the fields. Nothing happens. I start to panic, the last time this happened Keefe and I were trying to teleport to the Sanctuary where Silveny, the alicorn was staying and once we got there we figured out that something just was blocking my teleporting but, this time I dont know whats blocking me.
" What's happening foster, tell me something" Keefe tries to ask me.
" I-I dont know" I stare into the distance but right now it just seemed like we were surrounded by darkness with no sence of direction.
" This is okay right, we can still go right!" Dex starts to worry and is freaking out.
" Lets just head back to Havenfield maybe we can figure out why I can't teleport" I try to reassure myself as I imagine Havenfield. I imagine the Big house with the pastures filled with all the animals and the panakes Tree with its beutiful pinkish-blueish-purplish flowers. Then we get teleported back to Havenfield.
"Well that didn't work well" Fitz says a little sad. " I wanted to go see Silveny and see how she is doing I havent really been able to see her"
" Same, I wanted to see Glitterbutt also" Keefe says dropping his head. As we start to head back inside I hear a big Zap! and screaming and then all of a sudden people are falling out of the sky.
"What the heck was that" Tam yells running over to the people. There were nine people all wearing similar outfits just differnt colors. They all wore hoods over their heads and it covered their mouthes and noses only leaving a little slit for the eyes.
" What do we do, they just fell out of the flipping sky! what do you do with people that just fall out of the sky!" Keefe says obviously very shocked and surprised. Once we all looked at them a little more closely, I hear Bianna shriek.
" They're waking up!"

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