I Can Take Care of Myself: Part I

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Mid January 2014

Avery's POV

I winced walking through the house holding my back. Okay.... I didn't walk, I waddled. I paused in the doorway of the kitchen holding the door frame feeling another Braxton Hicks contraction. These fuckers could be the devil at times. Not to mention little man was currently hanging his toes on my ribs like a little monkey. My eyes teared slightly at the news I had gotten at the doctor earlier. He'd put me on bed rest for the duration of my pregnancy. Which meant no work.

Thankfully that was something I had prepared for so I was okay. Ashley knew therefore pretty sure the news was making its rounds. They all were going to be the biggest bunch of mother hens that ever lived. I wondered if it could get any worse than it already had been. Which is why I was keeping the doctor's slight concern over my blood pressure to myself. He was hoping that resting and getting off my feet would do the trick. I hoped so to. Right now, I had a wicked craving for brownies. Was pretty sure there was a box of the Little Debbie brand in the cabinet.

I opened it up looking in my heart dropping seeing them on the shelf that was just out of my reach. I forgot Kolby had helped me unload groceries the other day and his giant ass didn't even think about it when he put them up there. I stomped my foot as my eyes welled with tears. I wanted a brownie dammit. I glanced down at my belly. Yep... no climbing on the counter like I could in the past. Cutting my eyes over to the stool I had been using to sit on while cooking, I decided what the hell.

I drug the stool over before carefully balancing on it. It was a little wobbly, so I locked my knees to keep steady. A huge grin spread across my lips as my fingertips brushed the box of brownies. The side door coming into the kitchen opened startling me. I yelped as I tipped backwards my world spinning. Shit this was gonna hurt, I thought as I wrapped my arms around my stomach praying I landed on my side. A pair of arms snaked around my waist catching me mid fall standing me on my feet. My heart was racing a million miles an hour. Before I could even look up, I was spun around and a hard SMACK sounded through the kitchen as a hand landed across my yoga pant covered ass making me scream.

I whirled around tears in my eyes. My ass stung because the thinness of my pants offered no protection against that big hand and those fucking rings hurt! I drew may hand back to punch Brantley in the chest as hard as I could. I let out a growl of frustration when he grabbed my wrist before I could hit him.

"That hurt you asshole!" I yelled trying to yank my arm free. Brantley leaned over putting his nose almost even with mine. His green eyes glittering with anger. Swear if I wasn't pregnant I would put this overgrown caveman on his ass.

"Good," he snarled shaking my arm as I took half a step back out of fear. I had seen him mad plenty of times but never this mad at me. Seeing the look on my face he loosened his grip on my arm tugging me to him hugging me as tight as my belly would let him. I rested my head on his chest with a sigh letting out a quiet sniffle. "Fuck Aves. You scared the hell out of me darlin."

"I'm sorry," I murmured. I eased back to look at him shrugging my shoulders. "I wanted a damn brownie. Kolby put them out of my reach the asshat. I didn't know you were coming by."

"Really?" Brantley said crossing his arms over his sweatshirt covered chest giving me a knowing look. "You get put on bed rest for the next few weeks and you thought I wouldn't be coming by to check on you."

"Figured you would just call," I grumbled stalking over to the stool sitting down on it. My back was killing me. Propping my hands on my stomach I rubbed it feeling little man kick because of all the excitement. A sharp one landed in my ribs making me wince.

"Aves?" Brantley asked walking closer laying a hand on top of mine. The worry shining in his eyes. "You sure you are okay? Do we need to call the doctor?"

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