My Mama Said.....

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Mama Becky's POV

I kept my eyes locked on Nora's as we glared off. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brantley get Avery and Alex in his truck before I finally let loose. My lips flattened into a thin line as I stepped closer, so the entire population of Jefferson wouldn't hear what I had to say. The preacher's wife was already inching her way closer trying to listen. Could see this being the discussion in the pray chain text later.

"Let me tell you something Nora Jean McCoy," I seethed lowly. "We've been friends for a long, long time. But right now, I am ashamed of you. Karen and David would be ashamed of you if they were still alive. That poor girl has been through hell. Lost her parents then her husband. Picked up the pieces of her life and made the best of the hand life has dealt her. Avery has more backbone in her little finger than most men."

"But to have moved on...." Nora snapped her eyes glittering with tears. I already knew from the few times she had been back home over the last year Nora was not handling her grief well at all.

"That's right," I said interrupting her. "She's trying to move on with her life. I miss Declan too. He always made a point to come see me when he was home. I watched the five of them grow up just like you did. Had them constantly in and out of my house. I love those kids. They've all mourned and worked on putting the pieces back together. Something you haven't let go of. I understand it is hard. But you two left her. It was Ashley and I making sure she ate even when her morning sickness was terrible. The boys are the ones that made sure the yard was taken care of or anything else around the house. But when it came to needing a shoulder to cry on or she felt like the world was closing in on her, Avery turned to either Ashley like always or Brantley.

Lord Nora, I've been watching this brew between the pair of them for months. Fighting it every step of the way. And now, while its new, and making both of them smile. You bust in accusing the pair of them like she's cheating on Declan. You know, she's right. Pretty sure Dec is looking down on her and Alex like a guardian angel. Doubt he could have hand picked someone better to want her. To be there for her. And I will dare and say someone to put her first for a change. Understandably, it was a shock. While I'm used to seeing them together, because Brantley does take up a lot of time with her and Alex both when he's home, I didn't know they were a couple until this morning when they sat down."

"Let me tell you Becky..." Nora started to say when James cut her off giving me a weak smile.

"That's enough for today Nora," he said gruffly. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders steering her away as she started to sob. I closed my eyes to keep from rolling them letting out a sigh. Opening them, I made my way towards my car stopping when I saw Kolby leaned against it pulling his sunglasses down with a smirk.

"Thought I was going to get to see a churchyard brawl for a minute there Mama," he said with a snicker. I stepped closer smacking his arm with my Bible and passing him my keys. I was too aggravated to drive right now.

A while later, I stared out my kitchen window washing the same pot I had been for the last ten minutes. My heart broke for Nora, it really did. Couldn't even imagine the pain of losing one of my boys, but you could only wear your grief for so long. Kolby had helped me clean up then left going to the ballfield. Avery had pushed at her lunch before retreating up to Brantley's old room saying Alex needed a nap. He'd followed her a few minutes ago to check on her. I would wring his neck if he wasn't all the way serious about her.

I was sure he was but still concerned me on one hand. Then the other it didn't. He'd been so protective of her for the last year that I could see the worry in his eyes every time he would leave. Then over the months it started to change to something more. I had never seen him look at Jana like that or even Amber. Footsteps pulled me from my thoughts. I looked over my shoulder seeing Brantley walk into the kitchen his hands shoved in his pockets.

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