Better in the Long Run

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Laura's POV

A tired smile twitched at my lips as I sat my haul from the Black Friday sale down on my kitchen table. I walked around my sunny kitchen fixing a glass of sweet tea before sitting down to check my email resting my tired feet. I had sent Avery an email the other day once I made it back to the States. I was hoping she would message me back since her number had been changed. Running a hand over my blonde hair I sighed thinking about my older sister Karen. She had been as dark headed as her baby girl was. The ten-year age difference between us had only made us closer at times. It had been almost ten years since she and David passed away. I missed her so much.

My home base was a quiet little nowhere town in Texas. My ex-husband had been into oil and all that implies. My small ranch had been part of my divorce settlement when we split up after two years of marriage. My stepson ran it along with his for me while I was gone. I loved that boy like he was my own and had spent Thanksgiving with him and his family yesterday. I'd spent the last four months embedded with a unit in Iraq getting some amazing shots. My photography took me all over the world.

I had run into Declan in Afghanistan early last year before he had gone home. A pang hit my heart knowing that was the last time I had seen him. I'd gotten to see my great nephew once right after he was born before I had left. Avery kept me update with him and her life through emails, so I wouldn't miss out. I had been ecstatic when she told me her and Brantley were finally together. I had known Avery would be taken care of after I left coming home after Declan's funeral.

I could see the way he looked at her in some of the pictures she had sent. I was debating with myself on just making a trip to Jefferson to see her when a knock sounded on my front door. Walking through the house I wondered who in the hell this was. However when I pulled the door open I let out a gasp of surprise.

"Avey!" I yelled with glee as my niece flashed me a tired smile. She looked exhausted. I could see deep purple circles under her eyes with her dark hair tucked under a ball cap. My not so tiny nephew balanced on her slim hip. Hmm...if I didn't know any better looked like she had lost some weight that she was hiding under the baggy clothes. Alex ducked his head a little being shy but after a second gave me a grin making two little bottom teeth shine at me. I wrapped both of them in a hug feeling Avery sag against me. I took Alex from her hugging with before tickling his side. I glanced around making Avery give me a funny look.

"What you are looking for Aunt Laura?" she asked with a tired sigh. Poor baby looked like she was ready to drop. Not surprised. It wasn't a short trek form Georgia to here. I kissed her cheek with a shrug.

"Was looking for the tattooed escort that I figured you two would have?" I said with a chuckle. "Where is BG? I have missed that boy."

"Umm..." Avery said biting her lip not meeting my eyes. "He had to go to Nashville so couldn't come with us. Sends his love though."

"Ummmhmmm..." I drawled closing the door behind them. Later that night, I walked back into the living room after getting my shower. I paused watching Avery closely. The black t-shirt I knew wasn't hers swallowed her. Her dark hair was wet hanging around her shoulders. Avery took a sip of the wine in her hand studying the photos I had framed on my shelves. Alex had fallen asleep after playing with me earlier. Stepping closer, I laid a hand on her arm making her jump. I knew something was wrong. I would have to get it out of her. Giving me a quick smile, Avery reached for the framed photo of Declan and some of the guys from his unit I had taken.

"I hate that was the last time you saw him," she sighed tracing a finger over the photo. Another one caught her eye as she sat that one back making her laugh as she picked it up. I had been able to catch the opening show of Brantley's tour this year and had timed my shot perfect of him doing a back flip off of Ben's drum riser. I'd had almost dropped my camera then yelled at him for giving me a heart attack afterwards. Avery raised an eyebrow at me. "Didn't know you saw a show this year?"

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