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Daenerys sighed as she stared out at the large garden that decorated the back of the Olympian castle through the clear golden stained windows of the throne room. The throne room was used so that they all could commune, each having a massive throne, which are collectively arranged in a reversed U shape. It also houses some of the minor gods and magical creatures. It was still fairly early in the morning which meant her best friend, Apollo was just starting to make the sun rise up above the large landscapes below them. Daenerys loved sun rises and sun sets. She enjoyed seeing the sky be slowly painted with vibrate shades of reds, oranges and yellows. But every sun rise was personal reminder that she would never see her soulmate ever again. And perhaps even the possibility of never meeting their second soulmate. It also means never seeing her youngest child that she had left in the care of their father, her first soulmate.

Daenerys grimaced. She knows nothing about her second soulmate. Which bothers her alot. Sure, she knows everything about her first soulmate, her husband, the father of there children, her Loki, but absolutely nothing about their second. She guesses that they have to be a god of some kind. Maybe Egyptian is her guess. But it could be anything. But they definitely have to do something along the lines with magic. It only seems logical for her to think that. She doesn't know what gender they will be because she thinks both genders are fucking amazing. So that didn't really help put her mind at ease.

Daenerys shakes her head. She shouldn't be thinking about this. Not now. Her soft hazel eyes flicker to her best friend, Persephone whose with her soulmate, Hades. The duo are tucked away in a far conner of the room. There holding each as they share a hushed conversation with Persephone mother, Demeter. Daenerys has to pull her eyes away quickly as she feels the sensation of jealousy prick it's way up her spin. But turning the other direction doesn't help either as she see just meet by the sight of Zeus and Hera actually beging a decent pair of soulmates ( For once in there damn long existence.) Daenerys jumps as she feels a silky. hand meet her shoulder. She glances over at the person who touched her shoulder. It's her twin sister, Hecate. Her twin gives her an apologetic look as she too know what plagued Daenerys thoughts. The brunette moves her hand from the white haired girl's shoulder to her small delicate hand.

" Where are your tiny soldiers Daenerys?" Asked a loud rough male's voice. The twins whipped around to see Ares and Aphrodite. Daenerys growled lowly as she sent her personal death glared in the direction of the war god.

" My children aren't soldiers Ares." She hissed out. Her worlds were like hot posion on her tong. Hecate squeezed her sister hand reassuringly. Hecate raised her eyebrow questionably.

" You know better than to say that! Especially today of all days! " Growled Hecate as she let go of her twins hand before taking a threating step towards him. She sent him a sinister glare. Aphrodite looked at Daenerys apologetically and put her hand on Ares chest in a stopping manner as he went to lung forward threatingly at Hecate.

" Ares no." The strawberry blonde scolded. Ares growled as did Hecate. Hecate hands were glowing a dark purple as her magic erupted around her finger tips before spreading around her palms. Daenerys sighed.

" Sister no." Said Daenerys softly. Hecate slowly turned around to look at her sister. A guilty look spread across Hecate face as she saw her twin clear disapprove. The purple glow of Hecate hands slowly faded away as her features softened. The goddess shook her head.

" I'm heading back to my chambers." Stated Daenerys sadly before she moved out of the throne room. She could make out the sound of her twin yelling at Ares but the sound soon disappeared as she walked further down the hallway. Her eyes flickered around the hallway. There were lamps on the large white pillar on each side of the hallway, illuminating the large white and gold room. The white structures were filled with amazing art that had been personally done by Apollo himself. The floors were made up of beautiful shinning marble. Daenerys slowly pushed the large dark crimson oak door of her bedroom open. She was instantly meet by the sight of her two children. They flapped their wings happily as they saw there mother return.

Daenerys smiled sadly. She slowly approached her bed, where they were nesting. She picked up Drogon. Her hand ran down his black with red markings scales. He is larger and more aggressive than his siblings but he would never dare hurt her or Hecate. She let him mount her shoulder before picking up Rhaegal. Rhaegal unlike Drogon is green with bronze markings. The two dragons curled into their mother's touche. Drogon, rubbed his head affectionately against her check. While Rhaegal just rested his head on her chest.

" Don't worry will see them again. Someday. Just not today." She whispered to them softly as tears stained her ivory checks.


    Loki frowned as Viserion moved restlessly about his bed. Loki looked down at his son with concern as the tiny dragon whimpered and clawed at his bed. Loki knew what was happening. Viserion was missing his mother and the sight only made Loki's heart ache. He hated seeing his son in distress and sadness. He also knew what his son was feeling for he true missed his first soulmate and his two other children. It made sense that the dragon would be missing them on the anniversary of their death. Loki scooped up the tiny dragon and placed him on his shoulder before leaving the room he had been assigned in the Avenger compound. Loki slowly approached the main living room of the compound where most of the team were relaxing. Thor smiled as he saw the duo make their way into the room.

" Greetings brother! I see the you brought out little Viserion for once!" Said Thor happily. Tony and Steve glanced over at Loki to see what Thor was talking about; only to see the tiny dragon. Tony let out a high pitch girl like scream as he scrambled out of the sofa he had been siting in with Steve.

" What the hell is that thing?" Questioned Tony panically. Wanda huffed and rolled her eyes in annoyances of Tony's fear of such cute tiny creature. Wanda pushed herself up off the floor before walking over to her soulmate.

" It's not a thing. It's my son you idiot mortal." Snapped Loki. Wanda looked at Loki knowingly. She knew what the meaning behind he day was.

" Wait! Reindeer games actually got laid?" Questioned Tony curiously. Sam rolls his eyes at Tony.

" That's what gets you? Not damn fact that it's a FREAKING dragon." Retorted Sam. Tony shrugged.

" Viserion is the youngest of my bother three sons. Sadly, there mother lady Daenerys, my bother and lady Wanda's soulmate died in battle along with his other sons, Rhaegal and Drogon." Explained Thor softly. Wanda sighed sadly as she rested her head Loki's free shoulder. She wishes could have meet their other soulmate.

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