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Daenerys placed her back against the scorching hot metal wall of the Hydra base. Her eyes flickered over to Artemis who was loading an arrow into her bow. She pulled the arrow back before peering over the conner to look at the Hydra agents. Artemis let out a quite breath as she let the arrow fly. The redhead nodded, signalling the two goddess to follow after her. She took off in sprint towards the entrances of the Hydra base. Daenerys grunted as she raised her hands which were glowing a white color. She sent a blast weave of energy towards the group ot Hydra agents that were charging towards them. She easily took them out. They sprinted down the hall of the base. The sound of gun fire and alarms going off filled their ears. Daenerys watched as Artemis shoot arrows at the Hydra agents.

" Samantha!" Called Artemis. Her green eyes flickered about the base. She loaded her bow again before shooting another arrow. There was no responses. Daenerys shot her sister a look. Hecate nodded in a silent agreement. The three goddess took off in ran as they made there way down the dark hall of the Hydra base. Hecate ran in font of Daenerys as a bullet almost hit her. The red headed goddess made a shield of darkness to protect them both.

" This way." Called Artemis as she turned a connor. Daenerys and Hecate followed after, they were soon in a computer room. Artemis shot her arrows at the agents that were in the room. Hecate manged to take few out with her darkness daggers ( daggers made out darkest and pure shadow) while Daenerys covered their backs by making a shield out of pure light. Once they took care of the agents Artemis set her bow down before she started typing away on one of the computers.

" They just recently moved her." Grunted Artemis as she she grabbed her bow. The two magic goddess nodded.

" We might be able to catch up with them." She add before running out of the room. The two goddess followed her led. They ran out of the room and down the dark hallway of the base. They killed off the last of guards before making their way out of the base and back to the sandy desert of Egypt. They continued to run in hot the sand as they followed the tracks that were barley visible. Suddenly there was loud roar that priced the air. Daenerys froze in her tracks. They all did. It was not the roar of any midgaurdian animal but the roar of one of her children. A shadow soon fell over them as a large creamy golden dragon flew over them. A jet not far behind it.

" Viserion." Daenerys whimpered. The dragon landed in front of them. Daenerys slowly stepped forwards hesitantly. Her hand out reached for him. She stared at him.

" My child." She cooed. Viserion lowered his head so that she could pet him. She smiled. Tears rolled down her check as she ran her hand down his hot golden scales. She placed her head against his.

" We got company!" Yelled Artemis as she loaded her bow. A group of weirdly dressed mortals made their way towards them. Their weapons drawn. Viserion growled deeply at them as he step protectively in front of his mother.

" Not another step mortals!" Hissed Artemis angrily. She pulled back the arrow and held onto it as she glared at the group of mortals. Hecate raised her hands in defensive stances. Her hand were now engulfed by dark shadows.

" Who the the hell are you people?" Asked a man in metal suit as he landed by the group of mortals who had taken a defensive stances as well. Daenerys glared at them all. She step forward.

" I'm am Daenerys Strongborn. Goddess and protector of light magic, Twin sister to Hecate, soulmate and wife to Loki Laufeyson, mother of dragons and breaker of chains." States Daenerys fiercely.

" Impossible! She is dead!" Boomed a loud voice. Both magic goddess instantly recognize it as Thor. The Norse thunder god steps in front of his group of friends.

" I am not dead Thor Odinson. I am very much alive." She retorts as she takes another step so that Thor and his friends could get a better look of her. She was wearing her white dress like normal along with the sliver dragon necklaces that Loki got her way back when. Loki suddenly pushed passed them all to see if it true. And once Daenerys sees him she takes off into a feverish sprint. She ran over to him, her arms beging thrown around him as she pulled him into a bones crushing hug.

" Beloved." She whispered.

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