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    Wanda had been with the Avengers for six months. In that time, she had learned a lot. She had originally come to help people but now it was a mix of that and learning to control her powers. Which she was well on her way with. But there was something else she had learned that she had never expected to learn... she had learned how to have friends again. And this meant the most to her. It was like having a new family. Which Clint and Natasha might have taken a little too seriously as the couple had pretty much became hers and her twin  parents. Perhaps they had felt responsible for them because they were the ones to turn them good. Of course, if Wanda were honest, it was because Clint had been determined to make her feel welcome and wanted. Clint did everything he could to replace the loneliness, the sadness, the guilt and the fear with warmth, happiness and confidence. It was amazing, how quickly he could get Wanda to relax, to smile, to laugh.

   Things only seemed to get better the longer she and Pietro stayed with the Avengers. She had even meet one of her soulmates. Which was something otherworldly. The sensation she felt when her timid fingers brushed and interlocked with Loki's for first time was mind blowing. Her mind literally couldn't compared anything as she was so taken with the overwhelming emotion of love. And thing only went up from their. The first time she had ever seen her lover naked, there had been such a beautiful contrast between them. They were all rose gold and ivory... milk and honey... Wanda was so incredibly shy as she sat there with her soulmate, naked before him for the first time. Her face was red, her eyes were downcast and she was curled up tightly, trying to hide as much of herself as she could. It took a lot of loving words, gentle hands and patient coaxing to get her to uncurl and allow her lover to see every inch of white skin, and they had to spend a lot of time convincing her that she was just as beautiful as he were... just in different ways. Well, at least convince her enough to trust them with herself in such a vulnerable state. To this day, she didn't believe that she was beautiful, no matter what he said. And to this day, it still often took some coaxing to get Wanda to get undressed with the lights on, with her lover watching...

  Now Loki, he was different. The pale raven haired Asgardian had no qualms about showing his body, and the snow kissed tone of hie skin betrayed that. In fact, Wanda found herself thinking that Loki must have breathed in darkness and snow. Fairly regularly. Loki was all for showing it off in a discreet and appropriate manner. He was a paradigm of perfect  beauty and sensuality. And the little fucker knew it. Wanda was supposed that the higher you rose then the deeper you would fall. And boy did she fall, her heart was ripped from her forcefully. The pain shattering her like glass beging thrown to the ground. She had found out about there her second soulmate. The missing piece to their three pieces soulmate puzzle. It hurt her to find out that her soulmate was dead. Another thing so crudely stolen from her just like her parents and the freedom that Hydra took from her.

  " Love?" Loki called out. Wanda was snapped out of her thoughts. She glanced over at her soulmate who was putting their child on his nest of red and green blankets. Wanda sent him small smile as she bounded over to him. She wrapped her her arms around his neck before standing on her tippy toes and kissed him. When she pulled away from Loki she looked up at him.

  " What was going on in that beautiful mind of yours?"

  " I was just thinking about how I know little to nothing about her."  Wanda admitted.  Loki smiled sincerely at her. " Could you tell me about her?" She questioned hesitantly. She instantly turned to look down at her hands as guilt filled her chest. Loki sighed and grabbed Wanda's chin and made her look him in the eyes.

" Now love there's no need to feel guilty. She was your soulmate as well. So if you wish to know about her then I'll tell you about her." He explained. She nodded understandingly.

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