(2) The first werewolf

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Kind of edited..

Chapter 2 (Edited)

The First werewolf

"His name is Cessair and legend has it that if you say his name six times his pack will come and kill every single person you've spoken to, children, women, elders," I say in a spooky voice

I watch as the little kids shake in fear, I wanted to laugh so bad but that will ruin everything.

I wanted them shaking with fear like I was when I first heard this story.

"People believe that Cessair himself was banished from his pack because he murdered his whole family.

That's why he made his own pack and only accepted wolves like him, rogues! Murderers!

And wolves that got banished from their packs for doing horrific things!" Josie adds

It was currently 10:30 pm, our parents and older pack members have been in an important meeting since 4:00 this afternoon.

And as Luna, it is my job to take care of the younger pubs when things like this happen.

So Josie and I decided a bonfire and a scary story would be a great idea after dinner.

For dinner the kids had ice cream and pizza... I know I am going to make a great mother!

*note the sarcasm*

Anyways There's only two scary stories that we know of, one of is about an old rogue pack that got cursed by the moon goddess herself.

They were cursed to spend the rest of their remaining life in wolf form.

They're called the night-walkers

Even the name sends chills to my spine but mostly due to the destruction they caused.

They've erased a number of packs out of history and killed many innocent wolves.

The second one, is a legend of a hybrid named Cessair, half wolf, half witch monster!

An ancient beast that has killed more werewolves than hunters.

I used to think that he's real and out there when I was younger.

I now realize he's from the olden days, there is no way, he is alive today.

I notice that The pups looked bored, I need to change it up and make it scary. "If they find you around their property they will capture you and bring you to the alpha," I say

"Who's the alpha?"

"The cursed Alpha!" I whisper-shout

"I thought we were talking about Cessair," Josie whispers confused

"I changed it" I whisper to her "Cessair isn't scaring them!"

"You know we can hear you right?" Annabel asks

oh, "...well, that's because I wanted you to hear us, we didn't want to tell you the scary part"

"Which is?" Annabel yawns

"...the scary part is that you either join the night-walkers pack or you die," I say and smile wide

"that is only if you're a boy, if you're a girl then he makes you the pack slave"

"until they get sick of you and decide to kill you" Josie snorts

"Wait, you said the same thing about Cessair," a boy says, he gives Josie and I a stern look.

"How do we know it's true?"

Sometimes I mix up the stories to make it scarier, what wrong with that?!

"It is true!" I argue

"Now shut up Tommy!" Josie growls

I open my mouth to continue with the story, but a voice starts to speak "Children, did you know Cessair the name itself means sorrow and affliction?

When Cessair was born Cessair mother got a vision of what her child will become" Drui whispers walking out of nowhere.

A few children scream when they see her, I also might have jumped out of my skin when she appeared from the trees.

Drui points her Kane at Josie and i "you don't know the real story!

There's only one real story and I happen to be the only one in this pack that knows it"

"I want my mommy!" Sara a five-year-old starts to cry making all the other kids join her

"I don't like the witch!" A kid yells from the back

Drui is one of our elders, the eldest I should add.

She was wrinkled and gaunt with gray frizzy hair that was purple on the ends which caused the younger generation to view her as a 'witch'

She also had a big dark mole on her nose and chin which made kids very scared of her.

It didn't help she carried around an old wooden Kane and wore black capes.

Rumor spread that she was a witch, and it stuck to her like glue.

Sometimes I think she likes the fact people are scared of her, or maybe she just doesn't care what other wolves think about her.

"Don't be a baby Sara, now who wants to know the real story?" Drui asks sitting on the log next to me

Everyone slowly puts their hands up even Sara who looked like she was going to pass out.

Fear has nothing on us wayheaven wolves.

Drui starts to draw something on the dirt with her Kane "we need to begin at the very beginning, thousands and thousands of years ago to the first werewolf"

"The first werewolf? How do you know who that is? There's no documented history going back to the first ever werewolf" I say interrupting her

Drui turns to me her blue eyes squinted in anger" I advise you not to interrupt your elders' young wolf!

If you have a question wait until the end"

"sorry" I gulp

"Lycaon. The first werewolf, the first Lycan, The first alpha!" Drui starts off

"He was not yet an alpha just a human... A KING he had power, gold, money, women and men!

The only thing the king truly craved and never had was love.

But that all changed one day. When he decided to go to the village for the first time.

There he meets his soulmate.

A woman so beautiful that king Lycaon stopped breathing as he gazed at her, For days he spied on her, watched her.

He couldn't speak to her. He couldn't even breath probably that's how much she affected him"

Drui looks at me for some strange reason "Her name was Selene"

"the moon goddess" Josie whispers with wide eyes

I've heard the story of Selene the moon goddess and her soulmate, but it's very different to what Drui is telling us.

I didn't know the moon goddess was mated to lycaon.

"Finally when king Lycaon approached Selene they stared at each other for a long time, sparks flew everywhere as their souls fall in love.

For Five days king Lycaon visited the village and spent his time with Selene, and yes it took them only Five days to madly fall in love.

On the fifth day he decided that he's going to ask her to marry him.

He told himself that no king is going to be rejected. 'She can't deny me, I'm king Lycaon!' he said to himself smugly before visiting Selene again.

But he still feared Selene answer.

Drui smiles "He belonged with Selene as much as she belonged with him, Selene wanted to marry him but the moon-goddess couldn't marry him.

'My father, he will never grant me permission to marry anyone' she told the king.

'Who is your father?' king Lycaon asked already making a plan in his head

'His name Chadli, the king of kings' Selene told him.

Lycaon knew who king chadli was.

A witch! Ruler of the world and underworld the most powerful creature.

Mankind can not compare.

'Don't worry my love, I will win your father over, give me seven days' he assured her

Once back at his castle, the king ordered everyone to prepare a feast for a king, food was brought from every corner of the world.

Gold, drinks and entertainment everything that a king will be pleased with but king Chadli was not pleased when he arrived.

King Chadli hardly acknowledged everything king Lycaon has been doing which made Lycaon angry and made him feel insulted.

Lycaon couldn't give up!

He wanted Selene, and he told himself he will die trying than give up.

He decided that after he marries Selene, he will take her far away, to a place where her father will never see her again in retaliation.

One thing you should know is that king Lycaon had a very bad temper, the smallest of things set the king off,

so when king Chadli told him that he will never be good enough for Selene that his daughter didn't deserve a boy with anger issues

King Lycaon snapped. He let his anger get the best of him.

On the seventh day, he ordered his head cooks to prepare a steak made of wolf meat to the king."

I gasped looking at Josie who looked shocked too.

Drui continues with the story, "As usual the meal was served but king Chadli already knew what was happening, he recognized the meat.

'How dare you! You have insulted me by trying to bring me down to your level!' he roared in anger

The sky turned gray and a rumble of thunder broke out.

'I curse you! From this day onward you will roam the world in the form of the wolf you tried to feed me!' King Chadli cursed.

King Lycaon then transformed into a huge wolf before king Chadli finished his spell, making Chadli laugh at the wolf in front of him.

He knew his daughter will run in the other direction as soon as she catches sight of Lycaon.

'I doubt my Selene will want you after she sees what you truly are, but I give you permission to marry my daughter' king Chadli tells him before vanishing

What he didn't know was that Selene has been watching the whole time, like her father Selene was also a powerful witch.

"What have you done my king?" she weeps appearing in front of her mate,

king Lycaon horrified to show himself to Selene runs away to the woods, there's no way he will ever marry Selene now.

Selene goes away, it is said that she cried for two days while lycaon howled at the moon.

Finally, Both of them came to the conclusion that they couldn't live without each other and searched for one another.

Selene without thinking about it transformed lycaon back to his human form 'promise me you will not lose your temper' she begged

'I promise Selene' king Lycaon promises

'because if you lose your temper, you will turn to a wolf'

"I promise you, Selene, I will never lose my temper" Lycaon promised

king Lycaon and Selene got married, and they lived happily ever" Drui ends the story

"aww" everyone coos

I can't believe I never heard this version of the story.

I hope this is the true version! It has to be, it was the most beautiful story I've heard.

"Are you crying?" I ask turning to Josie who was wiping away her tears

"No? Are you crying?" she chuckles

I touch my cheeks, yeah... I'm crying.

"I'm just happy they got a happy ending," I tell her

"Happy ending?" Drui laughs

"this isn't Disney kids, there are no such things as happy endings"

"what happens then?!" we all yell

"this is where Cessair comes in" Drui frowns moving her cane away,

I look down to see she's sketched the head of two wolves on the dirt.

"Okay?" I raise my brows looking at Josie "continue, please" Josie begs

We all look at Drui waiting for her to tell us the rest of the story.

She smiles and finally, she opens her mouth.

I hold Josie hand excited but what comes out of her mouth next leaves us all angry.

"I'm tired, I'll tell you the rest tomorrow, maybe"

Authors Note:

I got inspired by the story I found online about king lycaon, I changed it to match my story but all credits for the story about lycaon goes to (https://sites.google.com/site/timetolearnyourwerewolfhistory/king-lycaon-the-first-werewolf)

you guys should check it out it's a great story! it's also Greek mythology!

see you next chapter, don't forget to vote!

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