(43) I've got the scars from tomorrow

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AN: it's Friday over here in Australia, which means update! enjoy. my loves! Ps, I'm eating caramel popcorn while editing this chapter and I'm having the time of my life...

Chapter 43 (EDITED)

I've got the scars from tomorrow

"where's Ibenez?" I ask

'he'll be here but first, you and I need to chat,' Sebastian voice rings through my head

Iris told me not to trust him and for all I know Ibenez isn't here and he is with my uncle. " how do I know he's safe?" I ask

"Beta come forward and remember if you try to be funny your friend will die" Sebastian speaks and I take step back gasping

"y-you can speak?" I stutter

"of course I can darling, didn't your mate mention that part?"

we're not supposed to speak when we're in wolf form, it's physically impossible but Sebastian just spoke, fluently in his wolf form, his mouth moved and all!

"no" I shake my head " Andrés and I don't talk about you"

it was the truth, I haven't spoken to Andrés about Sebastian, I could see how much the rogue presence bothered him.

"first of all, ouch" Sebastian cringes " secondly, turn around"

I do, only to see ibenez tied up with tree branches? I take a step forward but a wolf blocks my step snapping his almost bloody sharp fangs at me,

" what do you want?" I asked turning back to the grey wolf .

" I want you to promise me that once the curse is broken, Andrés will take us back," Sebastian tells me " we want back in,"

i cross my arms across my chest "isn't that between you and Andrés"

" and you, now that you are  luna... so can we count on you or not?"

"I don't know, I'll have to talk to Andrés" I reply honestly

"what do you mean you don't know?" Sebastian growls

I know as a wild wolf there's no such thing as brushing your teeth but goddess. He needs to find some minty plants or something to freshen his breath. 

I take a step back " I don't know the history between you and Andrés" I add " even if I wanted to help you, I don't trust you"

" here's a little background check, Andrés and have been friends almost- well I lost count" he chuckles bitterly

"our friendship is very complicated, a-lot will say it's because we're so similar but i will have to disagree" Sebastian stalks closer to me until we're a few feet apart.

I notice scratches and scars all over his fur, they're not healing... I look up at his glaring silver eyes "do you know why I would disagree?" he snarls

I shake my head.

"because I'm more insane then he is"

i suck in my breath.

"Your mate has a habit of throwing away people once he's done using them. I was the best beta any alpha could ask for." he barks

" when Andrés found me, i was third in command of my pack, my father was very ill and my oldest brother of five boys was crowned alpha when clearly it should've been me-

you're probably lost, let me explain..the thing with my old pack is that my father could choose any of us to become alphas of the pack, so from a young age we always competed for his approval.

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