(18) The Beast

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Chapter 18 (EDITED)


From the distance came the sound of heavy limbs being dragged across the forest floor. 

Whatever it was, it was big. Either it dragged its feet or a tail through the undergrowth. 

I didn't know what to do, my leg was bleeding out and I was afraid if I made the slightest move the wolf would attack. On the other hand, whatever was coming our way could kill all of us. 

This is just great. 

one of them leaves, probably to check out what that sound is and the two wolves turn to me but before they can attack me something is thrown towards them making the wolves flee the scene. 

with wide eyes i see the wolf that just left lying there, dead. I whimper at the sight of the wolf, that's going to be me. I need to run now! 

the two wolves look around howling sadly,  I could feel their fear or maybe it was my own fear?  because what walked out of the dark trees made me scream. 

It wasn't a werewolf, it was a beast! A beast that stood on its haunches, werewolves aren't that big, werewolves don't walk on two legs! 

I took in the form of the beast, all three hundred and fifty pounds of muscle with fang that was sharper than a butcher knife and twelve inches claws. 

The creature was huge and abnormal with matted fur and huge ears extending upwards. It gave off an aura of pure evil and destruction. 

One of the wolves races towards him and with just the flick of the finger, the wolf goes flying into a tree.  

I couldn't breathe, I was so scared but I couldn't move or run. I couldn't even scream anymore, my brain was frozen. I close my eyes in fear. 

 why aren't I healing? I should have healed by now! 

A loud roar trembles around the forest and  I can't help but keep my head down in respect. The beast was an alpha? 

 I feel the ground between me shake with every heavy step the beast takes towards me. the blood drains out of my system and that's when the adrenaline decides to hit, with shaky legs I get up and sprint away. 

I stop suddenly as my stomach gives out, I knew I was going to faint any moment as I felt nauseous. 

 The forest around me starts to spin and just like that the world goes black.  

In my dream the sky is blue, the birds sing and there is a bee on clover nearby. The streams run clear and there are fish in the river.  

I was sitting on the soft grass and in front of me two sandwiches, a pie, a glass tea kettle full of tea was placed on a blanket. I notice that I wearing a thin white sleeveless dress but that's not the surprising thing. 

Next to me is Andrés, he is wearing a black fitted t-shirt and black jeans and his hair is styled in a quiff. The sun shines down on his beautiful tan skin, I watch as he looks down his long lashes fanning his cheeks. 

I watch as he pours himself a cup of tea and takes a small sip. 

As if knowing i was staring at him, the alpha catches my eyes and before i can turn away a grin spreads across his face, a wide divine smile. " Amma" 


Andrés hand touches my face and gently I feel his thumb stroke my cheek " what you seek is seeking you" he whispers 

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