(47) The Blood Moon

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Chapter 47 (EDITED)


The Blood Moon

"Andrés are you sure this is the path you want to take?"

"Samael unless you know other paths we can take, this is the path we are taking" I reply walking to my bedroom. 

Amma's scent is everywhere and it makes my wolf claw at my skin.

I groan and walk out of the room, instead, I stand by the door, samael gives me a confused look and I act like I don't see it.

I hated how the little wolf has affected me, it's a new feeling, I don't usually let people get to me and I don't think I allowed Amma to but she did anyway.

I shouldn't be thinking about my feelings right now, I should be thinking about how I am going to hurt Heath, I have thought of many ways today, I even asked the alphas for some suggestions.

I liked Chris ideas the best, there's was a lot of torture and pain involved. 


Samael voice brings me back to reality, where was I? oh the blood moon. it's in less than 24 hours.

 A whole day has gone and now the Night-walkers were preparing for the journey to the way-heaven pack.

" Korina is back," Teivel lets me know " we are ready"

i nod, " go, i will catch up with you"

The upcoming blood moon is going to weaken my wolf that's why I decided to go now before the moon takes its home in the sky.

"you know that once you start to go down the dark path, it will dominate you as a whole and consume you and your wolf, you don't want that for Amma" samael advices 

He's right, I can't go back to my old self. That means no more killing innocent people, just the people who deserve it. For her i will try.

"let the alphas know that no child, women or innocent wolf should be harmed, other than that kill anyone who possesses a threat" I order, even though it pains me to say it. 

What has she done to me.

Samael sighs " that's not what I meant but it's a start I guess"

I walk back to the room and look for something to give to Amma, I remember how happy she got that time Cameron forced me to bring back a rose for her.

I still haven't stopped thinking about her smile, I would end the world just to see her smile like that again.

'we better hurry up, if the time runs-'

'i don't care for the curse' i tell my wolf ' i just want Amma'

'you think Amma is going to want you if you look like a beast for eternity? no one can love a beast' his voice growls in my head

'i don't care for love too, love is a weakness you know that' i remind him

But the thought of Amma's not loving me made feel a strange...feeling.. I don't understand it, but it was the same feeling  i felt that time in the 8th century i lost one of my wars.

Did it make me...devastated?....why would I feel devastated about losing  a woman?  

I do have strong attractions to the wolf and I would do anything for her but that's because of the mate pull thing, it's destiny that I have these emotions for her even if I don't want to.

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