Chapter 1.

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{Lezzie's pov}


     Why. That is all I have to say right now. Why. I don't understand why I have to get up at 5:30 to go to swim practice. Why do I have to be a swimmer? Swimming is literally the only sport that requires you to get up at the crack of dawn and practice. Why can't I be in a normal sport like soccer or volleyball? But no. I'm a swimmer. I hate everything right now. I am definitely not a morning person.  I get up and put my bathing suit on, grab my swim bag , leaving my messy bun in that I slept with all night , and walk out the door.  I have to pick up my best friend Savannah. Savannah is just Savannah. I don't know how to describe her other than just plain crazy. When I pull up at her house I honk the horn three times forgetting that its 5 in the morning and I probably just woke up the entire neighborhood. I sit and wait for her for ten minutes until she finally decides to come out.  She's dressed just like me with her long blonde hair in a high messy bun, and her swim bag hanging off her shoulder. Unlike me, Savannah is a morning person. She's so cheerful every morning when I pick her up. I don't understand, how someone can be so happy at this hour.  

     "Do you think today is going to be an easy practice"? I ask, hoping that she thinks it will. 

      "Definitley not. We litteraly all sucked at the last meet. Half the team dropped times on every single event. So hell no."

    "Yeah.... I was kinda hoping maybe he forgot about that. I don't know what was with everybody that meet. Me especially..I just wasn't with it,"  I say with a cringe. 

"Regardless, coach is gonna kill us today." 

           ....(at practice)

"Lezzie!!! How many damn times do I have to tell you to roll your hips more during the kick! You need the technique in order to get the speed you want. Or else its never going to get there. That was your issue on the last meet. You aren't rolling your hips enough. It needs to be fluent. Now I'm tired of telling you this. So do another 50 and if it's not how I want it, you're doing dry land workouts for the rest of practice"!!! 

       I hear coach yell all of this immediately after I finish a 50m of breast stroke.  I try not to roll my eyes and to remind myself that he is just trying to help me and not torture me, even though it sure feels like he finds joy in torturing me. So I do my next 50m in front of the whole team. Apparently I do it right this time because he goes back to directing the whole team on what the next set is instead of yelling at me. I'm trying to push myself really hard this practice. It's the least I can do, because I do feel really bad that I kind of sucked ass in the last meet.  

      Once practice is finally over me and Savannah go to the downtown café called Riley's Café. It's always kind of been our spot. It's basically our Starbucks.  Our waitress immediately comes over to our table. Her name is Macy. She's 40 years old and she is basically my second mom. I've known her forever just from coming in here since I was little. She's always the person I go to for advice. 

"Good morning ladies. I'm guessing you just got done with practice?, How was it"?

I look up at her and give her a look like "you don't even wanna know." Savannah looks at her and says, "Tiring"!!  We go ahead and order. I just get a bagel and a coke like usual because I'm not much of a coffee drinker. 

"Are you ladies excited about your first day of classes today"? 

  Why...did she have to remind me. I'm actually insanely nervous. I'm use to the high school scene, and I know college is going to be so much different. Savannah on the other hand is beaming with excitement. That's just how she is. She says very happily, "Supperrrrrr excited!!! I can't wait." Macy looks please by her answer.

"Well that's good. This is one of the best times of your life. Just stay focused, but make sure you have fun at the same time because you will never get these years back. And who knows.. maybe you ladies will meet two handsome young men and fall in love." She giggles, and winks at us. I smile like I am in agreeance ,but really I cant help but wonder if that's actually the case or not. I'm not very experienced with dating and most people are by now. I mean I have dated but it never ended well, so I just kind of stopped worrying about it. One half of me can't help but wonder what it would be like to  find the perfect person and have a great love story ,but then the other half is saying, HAHA  That only happens in movies. 

 After the café, I drop Savannah off back at her house then go back to mine so I can take a nap before class. I have a few hours because my first class is at 11. Thank God I don't  have any 8 A.M's. Savannah was complaining about having one the whole way back to her house.

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