Chapter 5

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{Sam's pov}

Wow, Lezzie was literally so fast. I didn't realize how serious these people are about this sport. I some girls looking at their times and actually crying because it wasn't what they wanted it to be. Lezzie seemed pretty happy with hers. I'm pretty sure she won her first race. She was neck and neck with one girl. Me and Matt are waiting for them to come up and meet us. I don't really know what we are going to do though. We finally see them coming up. Lezzie is in completely different clothes. She's wearing white converse, black skinny jeans, and a white USCL hoodie. Her hair is down. Its still a little wet, but you can see the pretty light brown color of it. When they walk up we all chat for a few minutes then it goes into an awkward silence. That's when I decide to say, "So what do you guys want to do? Go get food, see a movie"? Then Savannah suggests getting food then going to a park that is nearby. It's called Andrew Jackson State Park. I have heard of it, but I haven't been to it yet since moving here.

We all get into Matt's two door jeep. Me and Lezzie climb into the back. It is really tight in the back because 1. Matt has boxes back here that he hasn't taken out since he moved into his apartment, and 2. because it's a two door jeep so the back is already small. Me and Lezzie are literally squished together. Which I don't necessarily mind, but I know she probably feels awkward. She seems like the kind of girl who needs her personal space.

"Where do ya'll wanna get food at"? says Matt. Both the girls say they don't care. Me and Matt shake our heads. I look at Lezzie and say, "Why do the girls never want to decide where to freaking eat"?

"Because girls feel like the guys should make that decision." Lezzie replies back with a sarcastic tone.

"Well how about we just go to Taco Bell? Does that sound good to everyone"? Matt says.

We all agree. Taco Bell is literally two minutes away so we get there in no time. We all quickly eat so we can get to the park before it gets dark and closes. It's about a 20 minute ride to the park. On the way we all just listen to music and don't talk much. I guess just because everyone is super full. I know I am.

We finally pull up to the park. I can already tell this place is big because there is like 5 different entrances. We park and everyone gets out. I'm curious to what this place actually has. "So what is there here"?

Matt responds to my question. "Well there nothing really special about it. It's just a place where a lot of people go to hang out. There's trails and the lake. It's a good place to hike. There is playgrounds for kids. You can fish, swim and all kinds of stuff. It's just a nice relaxing place to go."

"Oh okay gotcha."

"Well me and Savannah are going to go on a walk alright. We will see you guys later. Just text me when your ready to meet back up bro."

Of course he is leaving us by ourselves. I knew he would pull some stupid shit like this. I don't mind it, I just don't wanna Lezzie to feel awkward because I can already tell she is shy. We kind of watch them walk off into the distance until we can't see them anymore. I turn toward Lezzie.


"Soo.." She is looking down at the ground and fidgeting with her hands. She is also swinging back and forth. Key signs of nervousness. I have to lighten up the mood somehow.

"You okay"? She finally looks up at me for once.

"Oh yeah I'm great. I'm just plotting out how I'm gonna kill Savannah for leaving me here alone with you."

"Ouch. Well then this is awkward." We both laugh.

"No offense. But I barley know you. I mean who knows. You could literally take me out here and stab me to death then fuck my dead body." I laugh so much when she says this. I know she's just messing around.

"Oh my god. That's so dark!! But to be honest. I definitely pondered the thought of stabbing you, but nahhh the fucking your dead body. I'm gonna give that one a hard pass. I'm more of a kill, then hide the body type."

"Oh okay well that's nice to know."

We both just look at each other and start laughing.

"Well anyways. You know the way around here. You wanna pick a trail to take a walk on"?

"Yeah sure. The one straight in front of us is a nice one."

"Alrighty then let's do it."

We head down the trail together. We keep going into awkward silences. I can't help but keep glancing over to her. The more time I spend with her the more beautiful she gets. I honestly think I'm starting to like her. We walk a little more down the trail and she asks, "So what made you want to come to Lancaster from Virginia"? 
"Well I did it for baseball. I got a scholarship and was going to play here. But it decided not to play but to continue going to school here."

"Gotcha. So your a jock huh? Didn't really strike me as that type"

"Egh more like use to be. I use to love the sport. I just wanna explore different things ya know"?

"Oh yeah I completely understand. I get that way with swimming sometimes. But then when I actually think about quitting, I couldn't imagine my life without it. I've been doing it so long."


We've been walking for about 20 minutes now. We reach a point where there is a little beach area to the pond. Lezzie randomly starts running over to it. 

"Look!! come on this is the best part! You have to see"!

I don't really know what she means, but she seems really excited about it. I finally catch up to her. She is bending down right at the edge where the water ripples on to the sand. She holding out her hand. She stands up and holds it out to me. She has an enormous smile on her face. 

"Look"! I literally almost have to squint to actually see what is in her hand.  It is a little baby frog. I don't think I've every seen one this small. I have to admit, it is pretty damn cute. But I honestly think it is adorable how excited Lezzie is about it. 

"Aww its cute haha." I say to her.  

"I knowwww right!!!! They're everywhere too!! Look around your feet. They are all over the sand and rocks. You can also find salamanders too, but you have to look a lot harder under rocks and stuff.  I have always loved looking for salamanders. "

I look down at the ground and holy shit. These little frogs are everywhere like she said. I bend down and pick some up. We both continue to play with the frogs for a little while. By this time the sun is starting to set. We walk over to a nearby picnic table and sit down beside each other. I can tell Lezzie is getting nervous again because she is fiddling with her hands. I want to hold her hand so freaking bad. But so many thoughts keep racing through my head like, she's gonna think your a creep, we just met, if I ever want to have a chance with her this will probable blow that. Usually I am a very confident guy. I never have problems making the first move. I never get nervous when it comes to girls. But it's just  something about Lezzie.. I don't understand why I am like this all of a sudden.  Then out of no where before I can even process it, my brain just says "Fuck it" and I reach for her hand. At first she seemed hesitant and looked like she was about to pull away but she eventually relaxes. Her hands are so tiny and soft.  I think I can see a tiny smile form across her face. We sit there and hold hands while having random conversations. This really blows my mind. I have never wanted someone so much this fast before. I feel my phone vibrate.

"Oh it's Matt. They are ready to meet back up." What she says next surprises me. 

"Ugggh I don't want to go. I'm having fun." She giggles and I say. "Me neither, but hey maybe me and you can come out here sometime by ourselves so we can leave whenever we want." 

Another smile forms over her lips. "That sounds great. Let me see your phone I'll put my number in it."  We swap phones and exchange numbers. 

Later when we arrive back to the complex, I get out with Lezzie and give her a hug.  As she's getting into her car I look at her again and say, "Hey I'll text you. Drive safe." She smiles and nods and drives off.  

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