Chapter 6

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{Lezzie's pov}

I can't believe Sam held my hand. I don't know what made him do it. I barley even know him. I'm surprised I didn't pull my hand back the second he grabbed it, but something told me to just let it happen. It felt nice honestly. It felt genuine, and not like he just wanted to try to have sex with me. After I got home he texted me and asked if I got home okay. I thought that was the sweetest thing ever. It's so simple, but it made me feel really good. After this we text back and forth for the next week. We both wanted to meet up, but I was just really busy with school and practice. We did see each other in class which is nice but I just wish I had the time to hang out with him. I haven't seen much of Savannah either other than at practice. She's been spending all her time with Matt. I don't mind it though. I am happy for her. I haven't seen her this happy in a very long time.

I am walking back to my car from my Algebra class around 3:15. When I get home and walk through the door, my parents are both in the kitchen. "Hey baby, how was class"? My mom says to me. 

"It was class. Boring. Hate my algebra teacher."  She giggles a little bit. "Well I hate to say this but, welcome to college." 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well I'll be in my room studying." 

 I walk to my room.  As soon as I sit down at my desk in my room I feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out of my pocket. It's Sam. An Immediate smile comes across my face.

Sam: Hey! Since it's Thursday and we don't have school on Friday's I was wondering if you wanted to come over later. Me and Matt are having a little party tonight. Nothing huge. Just a few friends and we're gonna have drinks and stuff. Just wondering if you wanted to come or not? I think Matt said Savannah would be there.

Since he said it wouldn't be a huge party I think I might actually go. I'm not much of a huge party girl but I do like to have fun sometimes.

Lezzie: Yeah Sure I'll come just send me your adress. And what time?

Sam: Awesome. 112 Westpoint Apartments. And you can go ahead and head over now if you'd like?

Lezzie: Alright just let me get ready and Ill head that way.

Sam: Okay see you then.

I am honestly happy he invited me. I have really been wanting to see him but I didn't want to seem weird about it. I should stay home and study, but I mean its college. I have to have some fun. I don't plan on drinking much tonight though because I have to drive home. I want to have fun but I also have to be smart about it. I go into my closet and pull out my solid white crop top and put on some jean shorts and of course my teal converse. I am literally always wearing converse. It is my go to shoe. I probably have every color there is. I go to the bathroom and straighten my hair. My hair isn't too long but it looks a lot longer when I straighten it. It use to reach way past my mid back, but I decided to chop it all of my junior year of high school. Now it only reaches just below my shoulders. Sometimes I miss having my long hair but I like it at this length. After I get done straightening my hair I put on makeup. It takes me about 30 minutes to finish all of it. Once I am finally done getting ready I grab my bag and head out. When I walk past the kitchen, my parents are still in there talking. "Hey ya'll I'm heading out. My friend is having a get together tonight so I might be out a little late."

My dad responds with his normal saying, "Okay. Be safe. Be smart. No drugs."

"I know dad. I'll be safe." He gives me a hug and I head out the door.

When I get to Sam's apartment I text him telling him I'm here. He has to come down to let me in. I am kinda nervous, but I have no idea why. Social situations always make me nervous. I just need to relax and let loose. I am waiting at the gate for him to come out. I see him walk out. When he gets down to the gate he immediately opens it and gives me a huge hug. I like the feeling of his body wrapped around mine. Its warm and welcoming. I wish he held the hug a little bit longer.

When we walk into his apartment, Savannah and Matt are sitting on the couch cuddled up. Savannah gets up and gives me a hug. It feels like we haven't seen each other in years other than practice. There are 3 more guys there that I have never met. Sam introduces me to all of them. They seem like pretty cool guys. We all just sit around and hang out until about 7 o'clock. That's when everyone starts bringing out the alcohol. Sam hands me a watermelon mikes hard. I want to turn it down because I have to drive. But a few won't hurt. He opens it for me and I take a sip. I forgot how much I love these. I haven't had an alcoholic beverage in a good while.


It's been about an hour and I've had a little more drinks than I intended to. I've also had two shots of vodka. But I am not even thinking about that. I am feeling good and relaxed. By this time everyone wants to play beer pong. The guys set up the table and turn on some music. They pour Corona in the cups. Corona isn't my favorite beer, but it will definitely do. Me and Sam play against Matt and Sav. I make my first cup which surprises me. Sam gives me a high five. Sam also makes his.

"BOOO-YAHH looks like ya'll are going down quick"!! He yells in their direction.

"That's what you think buddy. I'm the master of beer pong just wait." Matt says back to him.

They go back and forth like that for the rest of the game. We ended up beating them pretty good. I only had to drink 3 cups. The next game we play is me and Sav against the boys. Needles to say...they destroyed us. After this game, I am completely drunk off my ass. Savannah is too but no where near my level of intoxication. I'm still able to have fun though. I haven't hit the point of disaster yet. Everyone starts pouring more shots. I know I shouldn't, I know I shouldn't, I know I shouldn't. But my dumb ass does it anyway. Sam pours me one , but before he hands it to me he looks at me and looks concerned. "Lez, are you sure"? And my drunk self yells back, "HEll Yeah I'm sure"!!!!! He laughs and hands it to me.

Oh Sam.....why didn't you cut me off...

We are all sitting on the couch and everyone starts leaving. Savannah gets up to tell me bye. When I stand up I stupor over but I catch myself.

"Savannah!!! You're drunk!! You can't drive!! You'll die"!!! I am being super over dramatic. She assures me she will be fine and that Matt hasn't drank much so he is going to drive her home. That calms my nerves so I sit back down. Before Savannah walks out she whispers something into Sam's ear. I hear him reply with, "Oh trust me I know. I've got her don't worry about it."

Everyone has left now and it's just me and Sam. It doesn't hit me until now. How the hell am I going to get home? I can't drive and I don't want Sam to drive me even though he seems fine. Still he's been drinking as well. So I start freaking out.

"Sam!! Howww am I gooonnaa get home"? I know for a fact I was slurring my words. I start to jump up and once again I do it way too fast and stumble. This time Sam catches me. He slowly sits me back down on the couch.  "Lexie. Calm down okay.  You can't drive. You can just stay here for tonight. I don't mind."  Oh god... what am I gonna tell my parents. I can't just stay the night at some guys apartment, but I sure as hell can't drive. Damnit. I hate myself for getting stuck in this situation.   

 Sam helps me up and he walks me to his room. He helps me lay down on his bed. He can't possibly be letting me sleep in his bed tonight. No way.   He pulls the covers on top of me and grabs a trashcan and puts it on the floor next to my head incase I get sick.

"Sam you don't have to let me sleep here. I can sleep on the couch."

"No Lez, it's okay. I will sleep on the couch tonight. I want you to be comfortable. If you need anything at all don't hesitate to call for me. I'll be in the living room."  He gives me a warm smile.  I feel so bad. First I come to his house and get shit-face drunk, then make him take care of me. Now he is sleeping on the couch and me in his bed. What a fucking mess. This is so not me. Before I can tell him thank you I feel myself drift off in a deep sleep.

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