Chapter 2

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     {Lezzie's pov}

 When I wake up from my nap it is around 10 o'clock. It doesn't hit me until about 5 minutes after laying in bed playing on my phone that I have my first class in an hour. Fuck, I have to get up.  I hesitantly roll out of bed and start looking through my closet to find something to wear. Ughh I have no idea. I want to look halfway decent for my first day and not like I'm half asleep because of practice at 6 A.M. I put on a pair of my dark skinny jeans with the whole right  on the crease of  my knees, and my pink crop top hoodie. I throw on a pair of my black converse, and walk into the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. I'm not surprised at what I see, The bags under my eyes are ridiculous. Time for some makeup. I don't wear makeup everyday, but today I really freaking need it. I don't put on a lot, just enough to cover up the bags and bring out the color of my eyes to make me look more awake. After I fix my face I decide to straighten my hair.  It's now 10:30 so I definitely need to get going, even though the school is only 5 minutes away, it's probably going to take me awhile to find my class. 

      On the way there, I am growing more and more nervous to the point I legit feel like puking. I don't know why I am so damn nervous.  I guess it's just the fact of being around new people. I don't like change at all. I pull into campus and it looks different than it usually does. I thought I would feel comfortable here since I've spent my whole life here. So I know what the campus looks like, but its different, being on this side. I'm not just passing by the school anymore. I'm a student here. The campus is filled with students. Walking to class, sitting on the outside picnic tables studying or listening to music. It already seems a lot more chill than high school. I pull out my schedule. My first class is in Founders Hall, room  243. It's Human Biology 101. When I walk in, the room is already almost full. I look around for empty seats.  There is one in the back, three seats from the end. I slide past the other students to get to the seat. I sit down and pull out my book for this class, and patiently wait for the professor to start. The boy sitting next to me leans over and says, "Oh good you have a book, do you mind if I look on you with until I buy mine." I can't help but notice his absorbing smile and his dark brown, almost black hair that falls perfectly across his forehead. His eyes are a gorgeous blue-green color.    "Sorry that was kind of rude haha. I'm Sam." I smile back at him. "I'm Lezzie, and yes of course you can look on with me"!  Wow, Its a lot easier to talk to people in college. I didn't expect to already have met someone. 

" Well, nice to meet you Lezzie." 

"You as well, Sam." 

He nods at me and the conversation is over. The professor is now in the room and he introduces himself. His name is Professor Boycan. He then tell us to go around the room and say our name, where we are from, and what our major is. Great, I hate this kind of stuff. It is so ridiculous. We don't all have to freaking know each other. It's not like us knowing what everybody's name and major is, is going to make us all best friends forever. I have never understood these thing. I also hate talking in front of a lot of people, so that's probably where all my anger about this is coming from.  I roll my eyes and put my head in my hands. I guess Sam saw because he immediately replied when I did it. 

"I'm guessing this stuff makes you nervous." 

I look at him and sarcastically say, " Noooo not at all." 

He smirks at me. " Come on, its not that bad. It's literally just 3 facts about yourself."

"Yeah, in a room full of 50 people." I use sarcasm again to give him a huge smile. He laughs and says. "Well get use to it because pretty much all professors make you do it. It's just a thing for them." 

"Oh just great."  We are at the back row so it takes awhile to go through everybody and to finally get to us. Sam goes before me. He talks so confidently like it doesn't bother him at all. "What's up! I'm Sam Auburn, I'm from Virginia, and I'm majoring in exercise science to become a physical therapist." Whoa, we have the same major. Maybe we can help each other with all the classes.  He sits back down and whispers to me in a joking voice. "Your up, enjoy it." I roll my eyes at him. 

I already know I sound a lot more bland and dull than Sam did but I don't even care I just want to get this over with.   " My name's Lezzie Scott. My major is exercise science, and I'm from here." I quickly sit back down. Sam leans over again and says. " You said it in the wrong order. It was suppose to be name, where your from, then your major. You switched the last two." He smirks at me yet again so that I know he is just messing around with me. I giggle and say, "Oh shut up. I don't think it matters."  We both stop talking because the professor begins his lecture. I begin to take notes when I notice Sam looking at me with a blank look. He has nothing in front of him to take notes with. I then notice what is going on. 

"Let me guess, you have no paper or pencil either do you"? 

"Sure don't."

As I tear some paper out of my notebook and grab a pencil from my bag I tell him, "You know I don't think you'll ever become a PT if you can't bring your stuff to class." I'm just messing with him though since he obviously does it with me. I don't mind letting him use my stuff. 

"I'm sorry haha the first day just kind of snuck up on me. Stop picking on me"! 

"Hey, you started it"!  We then finally shut up and listen to the rest of the lecture. 

After class I tell Sam bye and it was nice meeting him, and that I would see him on Wednesday. We split ways and I go back home to rest because my next class is Algebra 101, but it's at 5:00 so I have awhile. Sam's a really nice dude and I'm glad I met somebody on the first day. I don't think I'm gonna tell Savannah though because she will immediately think it's something that it's not. I simply just made a friend.. well not even that. Just a familiar face. Plus he was super attractive so I'm sure he has a girlfriend. 

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