Chapter 5: Getting Closer

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Taehyung's POV
I'm so curious about what the girls were talking about back at the cafe. I still don't know the secret. My curiosity is killing me. What were they talking about? Why aren't they telling us?

Fast forward(in school)
Yoongi, Jimin and I became friends with Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Baekhyun is a Senior in Taekwondo too. We became friends while training together. Chanyeol was just in one of our class and we became close to each other.

We always fool around. But the girls are not fond of our new habit. They say we should stop, but Chanyeol and Baekhyun said that it was fine.

Sana's POV
The boys became friends with Chanyeol and Baekhyun. I know those two since Baekhyun is a Senior in Taekwondo and the two of them are in one of my class.

Me and the girls don't like the habit they're teaching the boys. We don't care if they have new friends but Chayeol and Baekhyun are kinda a bad influence to them.

While the boys made 2 new friends, me and the girls met Rose and Xiumin. Xiumin and Rose are in one of our class. Rose is really artistic and a little sassy but we don't mind at all. Xiumin is soo funny. We always laugh at his jokes.

Fast forward to lunch time (RECESS)
We were eating at our table in the cafeteria with our new friends.
I admit that were pretty loud. We were laughing and talking.

We became closer to each other everyday. I still have a crush on Yoongi but I don't really show it. I don't want to get rejected or ruin our friendship.

"You guys! We should hangout at my place this weekend. Who's in?" Xiumin said excitedly.

"I'm in!" I said. Followed by the others saying I'm in too. Only Yoongi didn't answer. He was still thinking.

"Yoongs? You in?" Chanyeol said.

"......... Fine, I'm in."

"Yayyy!" We all said in union.

"Okay, this Saturday, we'll meet up at the park, okay?" Xiumin said and we all nodded.

"Okay so, we'll meet up and go at my place after?" Xiumin asked.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan" Tzuyu said.


"Okay see you guys later!" Momo said waving at us.

"Okay, bye Momo!" I said waving back. We watched the figure of Momo slowly disappearing in the crowd. We went our different ways to our next class.

Tzuyu's POV
I went to my last class, Mr. Wang's class to be specific. I sat down and waited for class to start. Later a boy came inside the classroom. He approached me.

"Hi, I'm Sehun. I'm new here. Is this History class?" He said.

"Hi! I'm Tzuyu. Yeah this is History class." I replied.

"Thank God! You're the first person who actually talked to me normally." Sehun said, laughing a little.

"What do you mean I'm the first who talked to you normally?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"The guys that I talked to ignored me and the girls that I talked to just screaming saying You're soo handsome!" He said, copying what the girls said to him. I laughed a little.

"You're cute when you laugh." He said. My laughter slowly faded. I looked at him shocked.

"M-me? Cute? Nah, I'm not cute." I said while trying to hide my blushing face.

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