Chapter 27: Darkness

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Yoongi's POV
I went to school like usual but the atmosphere changed. Something's wrong, I can feel it.

"Whats wrong Yoongi? Something bothering you?" Jimin asked me.

"I sense something. There's something wrong, I can feel it." I said.

"Calm down Yoongi. I'm sure its-" Tae was cut off when Tzuyu rushed to us.

"Guys? Have you seen Sana?" Tzuyu asked while panting.

"No, we haven't seen her since the party. Why?" Tae asked.

"She didn't attend school. She was absent which is very odd for her." Tzuyu stated. What Tzuyu said made me worried.

"Maybe she's just sick?" Chanyeol said, unsure. Tzuyu shook her head.

"If she is, she would've informed us so we can took some notes for her." Tzuyu replied.

"I knew something was wrong." I said.

At the corner of my eye, I saw Dahyun smirking. She was with her gang.


"Let's go guys. We can talk about this later." Tae said. We all nodded and headed to our classes.

Fast forward to lunch time(RECESS)
Me and the guys were heading to the cafeteria. But the girls, Xiumin and Sehun blocked our way.

"What's wrong guys?" Baekhyun asked. Their face shows a worried and scared expression.

"I think something bad happened to Sana." Momo mumbled while looking down.

"What do you mean by 'something bad'?" I asked.

"There's something wrong about this. Process this, Sana is absent today. She didn't text or called us. Plus, Dahyun is all nice and smirking today. Isn't that odd?" Mina stated. I hate to say this but, Mina's right. Something is wrong.

"Okay, you're right. After school, let's go to her house and see for sure." I said. They all nodded in agreement.

Mina's POV
Schools dismissed. We meet up at the front gate.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked them.

They hesistantly nodded. We walked together and reached Sana's house.

I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps. The door opened and I was greeted by Jungkook.

"Hi Mina noona!" Jungkook greeted me. I patted his head.

"Hi Kookie. Can we come inside?" I asked. He nodded and stepped aside to let us in. We walked inside and sat on the couch.

"Mina noona, Tzuyu noona, Chaeyoung noona, Momo noona, Rose noona, Xiumin hyung, Sehun hyung, Baekhyun hyung, Taetae hyung, Jimin hyung, Chanyeol hyung, and Yoongi hyung? What brings you guys here?" He asked all of us. We all looked at each other.

"We wanted to know if your Sana noona is here." Suga answered. Jungkook's face dropped.

"She didn't came back yesterday. I thought she was with you guys." Jungkook said and started crying. We all panicked.

Suga walked up to him and hugged him while patting his back.

"Its okay. Umm, your Sana noona is over at Mina noona's place. Right Mina?" Suga asked me. Jungkook looked at me.

"Yes Jungkook." I said. His face lit up. He showed his bunny smile.

"Okay. I thought she was missing." He said happily.

"We'll be going now. Bye Kookie!" I waved at him.

"Bye bye!" He bid us goodbye. We left Sanas house.

"What are we going to do?! Sana's missing!" Rose exclaimed.

"I know that! Do you think I didn't hear what Jungkook said?!" Momo gritted her teeth.

"Guys stop! Fighting is not gonna do anything!" Suga stopped them.

"We can't let anyone know about this, okay?" Suga asked us. We nodded. He aighed in frustration.

"Let's try to find her tomorrow." Suga said.

"Okay. Stay safe guys!" We waved at each other and went to our homes.

Earlier that day.........
Dahyun's POV
Here's the thing, I hate Sana! Why does she have to have all the things I want! She has the popularity, she has her friends, she has the money, and now, she has Yoongi! I think I'm going crazy for love!

I saw Sana walking, heading to her house. This is my chance. I ran to her and smacked her with a baseball bat.

She collapsed on the floor. My gang dragged her unconscious body to the van. We drove to a warehouse that no one goes to.

Me and my gang dragged her inside and tied her up

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Me and my gang dragged her inside and tied her up. I covered her mouth with a handkerchief so she can't scream when she wakes up.

"No one is gonna stop me now!" I laughed like a maniac. I'm blinded by love. I'll do anything for Yoongi to be mine!

Oh Yoongi, what have you done to me?

Author's note:
So dramatic right? Dahyun is a little psycho here. What do you think? Will they save Sana? Will Dahyun realize that Yoongi doesn't love her? Will Sana escape? Will everything be back to normal?

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