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I miss you X

i miss you too, mi

I bought you a present here in Greece. I'm excited to get back and kiss you again x

i'm excited for that too, mi. how has greece been so far? x

Cool I guess. Very hot. The gift shops seemed to have a branding for sex toys?? X

ooh, is that one of my presents?

You wish 😘


Yes my love x

i love you, like, a lot. since you've been gone i've finished more poems about you.

That's great sweetheart. I love you too x

Fuck gtg I'll talk to you soon?

ok i love you

I love you too! Xx

Alex set his phone aside and looked down at the crumpled pieces of paper surrounding his floor. He was trying to come up with the perfect present for Miles's birthday, which would be the week after he came back from Greece.

He wanted to write him a song, but all his lyrics were failing. Alex tried searching through his old notebooks to find an unfinished poem he'd forgotten about, and soon found something.

by Alex Turner

Miles's house number was 505. That was where the title came from. Alex read through the lyrics, remembering when he wrote it. Near enough the time he realised he loved Miles. Alex cringed at the way he used to write. He was embarrassed at his lack of interesting lyrics and the cliches used over and over.

But Miles would probably love it.

Alex plucked a random tune out of his head and began to play it, looking down at the lyrics. Once he was used to the tune, he began to sing along with it. It worked okay, it would just need a bit of touching up.

And in an hour it was ready.

It felt like forever before Miles came back. Miles turned up at Alex's door on Sunday with roses.

Alex giggled when he opened the door and saw Miles with this tan and large bouquet. Miles wrapped his arms around the boy who was wearing his dressing gown, before passionately kissing him.

"I missed you, Al." Miles whispered once he pulled away. "These are for you." The boy grinned, passing the flowers over to Alex.

Alex took them gladly and inhaled their scent. "They're beautiful, thank you." Miles proceeded to take his shoes and coat off, as Alex went to the kitchen and put the roses in a vase.

"I have your present from Greece, too..." Miles said, reaching into the pocket of his coat, following Alex into the kitchen.

Miles pulled out a black box and put it in Alex's hand. Alex opened it eagerly, and inside found a silver chain with a letter 'A' charm.

"For arsehole, not Alex." Miles joked.

Alex laughed and playfully punched his boyfriend's arm, before kissing his cheek. "I love it, thank you."

"Let me put it on for you."

Alex pushed his hair out of the way, and let Miles clasp the necklace around his neck.

Alex looked in the mirror and admired it. "Thank you, Mi."

Miles kissed Alex's shoulder, before his face fell. He looked like he'd remembered something bad.

"What's wrong, Mi?" Alex asked.

"Nothin'. I'm great. So, what's this early birthday present you texted me about?"

"Well, it's your birthday tomorrow, and since I can't come round yours for it tomorrow after school, I'm going to give it to you now."

Alex grabbed Miles's hand and pulled him upstairs and into his bedroom. He sat Miles down on the bed and picked up his guitar, sitting beside him.

"Ah, you're gonna play me a song?" Miles asked, raising an eyebrow.

Alex nodded. "I wrote it for you."

Miles gasped a little, before ushering Alex to go on.

Alex cleared his throat and started strumming his guitar, before singing the lyrics of 505.

Miles watched and listened attentively to Alex's gorgeous voice and beautiful lyrics. The way he strummed so well. The way his hair fell in his eyes as he looked down at the guitar and his hands.

Once he finished, Miles didn't know how to react. And since he didn't say anything, Alex looked up sadly.

"Did you not like it?" He asked quietly.

"What? No, I loved it! I'm just speechless...I never knew you were that good."

"Really? You liked it?" Alex smiled, blushing.

"It was beautiful." Miles grinned, kissing Alex's cheek. And then his face fell again.

"Mi?" Alex asked, cupping his cheeks.

Miles looked down, and started crying. Alex moved his guitar onto the floor and held Miles as he cried, playing with his hair.

"What's wrong?"

"A-Al, I don't want this. I-I can't go there, I can't."

"What are you talking about? Can't go where?"

Miles looked up with puffy eyes. "W-Wirral. We're movin' back, Al. I don't want to."

It took a moment for this information to process in Alex's brain. Miles was moving back to Liverpool. Miles was moving back to Liverpool.

My Miles is moving back to Liverpool.

"I don't want to go back, I like it here. I love you, I promised I'd never leave you, and I broke it..."

"M-Mi, look at me." Alex was crying too, as he looked at Miles's tears. "I don't want you to go either. I really don't. Is it for certain?"

Miles shrugged. "I think so. I protested so much, that I didn't want to leave. That I had all the friends I needed."

"When are you leavin'?" Alex asked softly, his body still entangled with Miles's.

"Month I think. I can't do this, Al. She doesn't know about us. She just thinks we're best friends. She doesn't know why I really don't want to leave. Because I love you. I love you, so much. I can't leave you."

Alex gulped to try and swallow the tacky lump in his throat. "I think you might have to, Mi."

Miles sobbed into Alex's shoulder. Alex squeezed him tighter.

"Hey, at least we can still text. And we can see each other during the summer holiday and half-term." Alex suggested.

Miles shook his head. "That's not enough. I want to be within in walking distance of you. I want to see you everyday."

"We'll spend every day together, until you leave."

"But I don't want to leave. I'm staying." Miles said, even though he knew he couldn't.

Alex didn't say anything. All he could do was cuddle his boyfriend.

He didn't want Miles to go ever. He planned on going to uni with him, and then living with him. And now that wouldn't happen.

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