Jung Kook [BTS]

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Annyeong, my lovely chingus ! I moved my one shots from the book in the account " ongnielkookver-bum since it was a lot of trouble to keep switching account just to upload a one shot that none of my friends are pitching in on. I only deleted my own one shots so basically, there's only one shot left there, hehe. Anyways, hope you enjoy it !

" Wake up. " someone shook you awake. You opened your eyes to see your boyfriend, Jung Kook, smiling at you. You sat straight and rubbed your eyes. You picked up your phone and checked the time to see that it's only 6 in the morning. You were groaning as you didn't want to wake up this early in the first place.

" What is it ? " you asked your boyfriend, who pulled you off the bed and out of the room. He dragged you down the stairs and into the dining room. The scent of pizza woke you up immediately.

" Surprise ! " he cheered, watching you sit down on one of the chairs. He was smiling at the huge grin you made.

" What's the occasion ? " you asked as you started eating a slice of pizza covered in mozzarella cheese. Jung Kook just smiled.

His phone rang and he went to pick it up outside of the room. You could hear him talking from the dining room.

" Hey...yeah...I'll be there soon, I'll just stall her for a bit....okay...see you later. " he hung up and got back to you.

" Who's that ? " he didn't reply nor look at you. He was still on his phone, too busy messaging someone. You tried sneaking a peek but he could feel your presence behind him and he quickly covered his phone, looking at you. You gave him the suspicious eye and he just got up and left the room. He can't be doing what you think he's doing, right ?

" Yah, Jung Kook-ah. " you left the pizza and chased up to him. He turned to you but you didn't dare ask him about what you're suspicious of. You shook your head and let him continue what he was going to do.

A few minutes later, as you were watching the TV while eating the pizza, Jung Kook came out of your shared room with him and left the house, not saying anything. You ignored it, maybe he's busy or he's just in a bad mood.

Hours have passed and Jung Kook hasn't come home yet, it's odd because he doesn't have work today since it's a Sunday.

It was getting late and you were getting worried. You picked up your phone and called Jung Kook, he immediately picked up.

" Jae In-ah, I don't think I can do this anymore. " he said through the phone, before you could say anything. You immediately got up from the couch and ran up to your room to change into a simple outdoor outfit.

" Jung Kook-ah, are you okay ? Tell me where you are. " you asked, all worried, while dressing up. It can't be. He can't be over you right ? Through the phone, you could hear hushed voices behind Jung Kook's voice.

" Just come to the place we first met, we need to talk. " he said seriously and hung up. You were getting worried. He can't break up with you on the spot of where you two first met right ? That's impossible.

You got up to your room and saw a box. You opened it to find a simple but pretty dress. There was a letter inside. Wear this before you leave.

You didn't think of anything and simply wear it and got to the front door to wear your shoes when you saw a brand new heels that you've never seen before. Now that you thought about it, before Jung Kook left, he put something on the floor of the front door. You wore it and left the house.

You walked into the cafe that Jung Kook and you first met in. You saw Jung Kook sitting on one of the tables, waiting for you. With a nervous feeling, you walked towards Jung Kook and sat across from him. He was half done with his coffee. He looked up at you, gave you the half cup of coffee, got up and pulled you with him, out of the cafe and towards wherever he's taking you.

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