Woo Young [ATEEZ]

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Annyeong, my lovely chingus !!! It's been a while since I've published anything but here's one. Again, this came from Wattpad Amino but I thought you guys might like it too. Enjoy !!!

Eun Young's a top student in the top university of Korea. She's been very diligent with school and has never failed to receive an A in her grades. For this single reason, she didn't spend any time on social media or the outside world. She's always cooped up in her room, studying.

On one random day, her friend, Je In,  decided that it was time that Eun Young gets some fresh air and meet some humans though, Eun Young disagrees but no one can stop Je In as she's very persistent.

" Okay okay. I'll go, but just this once. " Eun Young got off her desk and grab a purse to leave. Je In grabbed her friend and left the house.


" Hi, I'm Woo Young, Jung Woo Young. " the handsome man introduced himself. Woo Young has been friends with Je In since middle school. Je In has been dying to let them both meet each other but Eun Young was always too busy studying.

Eun Young didn't expect to see someone else during the whole 'going out' thing but introduced herself anyway.

That was the day that changed Eun Young's life.


*a few months later*

" Come on, let's go out. You're always too busy to. I miss you and I wanna see you. " Eun Young's boyfriend said through the speaker phone.

Eun Young was once again, absorbed in studying. Despite having a boyfriend, she still doesn't go out.

" If you're not leaving, I'm coming over. " Woo Young continued through the speaker phone when Eun Young won't respond. Eun Young immediately stopped studying and looked around her room before replying, " okay, I'll leave. "

Her room was a mess. There was books and papers all over the floor and bed. Having him over means she has to clean it all up even if she doesn't want to and doing that means that once he leaves, she'll have to re-spread the books all over again to continue studying.

" Yay! I'll come get you. " he hung up as Eun Young quickly dressed up and left the house.

When she got to the front door, Woo Young was already in front of her door gate, waving enthusiastically.


They were walking down the food market, hand in hand, stopping every once in a while to purchase their favourite snacks.

As they were walking, Eun Young noticed something that she never noticed before. Eun Young is an observant person and by the few months they were together, she managed to know a lot about Woo Young without having him to tell her but this was new.

It's been a while since they went out to the public together, so she's never really been able to notice this until that moment.

She looked at Woo Young who was smiling with his eyes. He had a mask covering his mouth but you could tell he was grinning. Eun Young then turned her attention to the crowd in the market then back again at Woo Young. Eventually, she shrugged it off and ignored it.


They both spent some time together, just talking, before Woo Young sent Eun Young home.

" You know, you're oddly on your phone a lot today. You weren't secretly studying, were you? " Woo Young joked when they arrived at the front gate of Eun Young house. Eun Young turned to face Woo Young, a look of confusion plastered on her face, causing Woo Young to worry. " What's wrong? Did I say something I'm not supposed to say? "

Eun Young shook her head before showing Woo Young the screen of her phone.

" Oh, so you found out? " Woo Young raised his eyebrows before looking down at the ground.

" Of course I found out. It was pretty obvious earlier today. Why didn't you tell me? Why did you keep it a secret? " Eun Young spoke up. She didn't want to make him run off but she didn't like the fact that her boyfriend kept a huge secret from her.

" Well, I didn't want you to freak out over it. You're so commited to studying and if I told you about it, you might end up having to check your phone every now and then. I didn't want to get you distracted, I don't want to be the reason that you get your first B in your grades. That's just unfair. " Woo Young reasoned and Eun Young immediately eased up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

" Look, if I wanted to be fully commited to studying, I wouldn't have agreed to date you. Maybe I don't want to study that much anymore. Maybe I want to be distracted. Maybe I do want to get my first B, I don't know, but what I do know is that you're the best thing that ever happened in my life and I'd be willing to sacrifice my studies to pay a little more attention to you. " Eun Young said which made Woo Young grin. Eun Young mirrored his expression before giving him a kiss.

" So, what gave it off? " Woo Young asked, a little curious.

" Well, we were walking and there's always one or two people staring or grabbing a picture and it's definitely not because of me. So, I searched you up on the internet and it showed me everything. " she slid her hands down his arm to his hands and intertwine them. " Hey, at least now I get to say that my boyfriend's an idol. "

The both of them smiled at each other. The only thing that Eun Young could think of was that her life has had its twists and turns but it's the sweetest mystery when he's with her.

He was the love of her life and always will be.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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