Feeldog [UNB/BigStar]

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Annyeong, my lovely chingus !!! Here's another one. I'm currently obsessed with UNB so don't blame me for writing too much UNB one shots, blame them instead AHAHA. Anyways, enjoyy !!!

" Just go, will you? " Sung Hak begged you. You sighed and nodded which he jumped happily at.

You were in BigStar's dorm since the boys invited you. You have been dating Kwang Suk for quite some time now but ever since The Unit and UNB, he has been very busy that you barely even met him. Sometimes you wonder if he even still remembers you.

The boys wanted to go to the pool within this week just for fun since you have been feeling very sulky lately and they prefer seeing you all happy and bubbly, so they thought it might cheer you up. Though the only thing that could cheer you up at this point is seeing Kwang Suk in person. He's been feeling so far away.

" Have you heard from him lately ? " you asked the boys and they shook their head.

It was odd since Kwang Suk tends to post pictures on his Twitter or Instagram but he doesn't seem to have the time to reply his friends, or even you.

" Don't overthink, I'm sure he's just busy. " Rae Hwan reassured you as the rest of the boys were watching a drama on TV.

" Yeah. " you simply said.


" What to wear ? " you muttered as you went through a bunch of your swimsuits.

" Seriously ? You're going to wear a swimsuit ? We need to shop a bikini for you. " your friend, Se Na, said as she pulled your swimsuit out of your hands.

" It's just a swim. I don't have to wear a bikini to do so. " you said back at her and she lifted her finger and moved the index right and left while shaking her head.

" I don't care about that. You're buying a bikini. " Se Na pulled you out of your house and to the shopping mall.


You wore your bikini that Se Na picked for you and wore a crop top and shorts above it. You took some towels and things you needed for a swim and left your house. The boys has reserved a whole pool for us to enjoy ourselves.

You were in Se Na's car as she was your ride to the pool. She turned on UNB's Feeling as she sang along to it but you wasn't in the mood to listen to any songs that Kwang Suk sang. You missed him enough, listening to his voice only made you miss him more.

You took out your phone, about to plug in your earphones when Se Na stopped you.

" You're in my car, you listen to my songs. " she said as she pushed your phone and earphones into your bag. You groaned, wondering why you're even friends with her in the first place.


You both arrived in the pool, it was quiet outside but you could hear the boys screaming and playing around inside. You two grabbed your stuff and entered the building.

The both of you changed out of your clothes and into your bikinis when you were in the locker room, then you two went to the pool to set down your things. You then turned to look at the boys. You noticed one person out of a bunch of people. That one person was inside the pool, smiling and screaming at the other boys for splashing the water at him. That one person that you haven't seen for months.

" What are you looking so intensely at? " Se Na asked as she followed your gaze to see your boyfriend, Kwang Suk.

" Oh my god, he's back! Go talk to him. In the mean time, I'll do myself a favour and talk to Jun Young. " You saw Se Na smile as she walked confidently towards Jun Young. You were wondering how she got that confidence that you lack so much.

You only stood there, frozen, unable to move until Dong Hyun noticed you and pushed you towards the edge of the pool. Everyone around us immediately left and played elsewhere, giving us some space.

Kwang Suk looked at you, you simply sat on the edge and dipped your legs as Kwang Suk swam towards you.

" Long time no see. " you simply said, still awkward from not meeting after a long time.

" Uhm, who are you again? " he asked and you were speechless.

He couldn't have forgotten about me, could he?

You froze once again before you were pulled into the water.

As you were pulled down by your leg, you swam up to the surface to see your boyfriend laughing at you. You were confused.

" Now, that's funny. " he laughed. After a while, you realised what was going on and you splashed water at Kwang Suk, making him stop laughing.

You both splashed water on each other for a while until you two realised how close you were.

Kwang Suk casually puts his arms around your waist and smiled, you put yours around his neck and mirrored his expression.

" You couldn't have possibly thought that I would've forgotten about you, could you? " he chuckled. You bit your lip, being unable to answer the question as the thought once crossed your mind before.

" I couldn't have. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. Well, second to UNB. " he joked which made you push him by the shoulders.

" Okay okay, you're the best thing that ever happened to me. I'd be the dumbest person on Earth if I were to simply forget you like that. " he finally said seriously as both of your foreheads touched. You smiled and leaned in to give him a kiss. You missed his lips, his touch, his smile, his presence and just, him.

You weren't going to let him go and break the kiss until you heard clicks and felt flashes. You both broke away from the kiss and turned to see the boys taking pictures of you two kissing.

The both of you simply glanced at each other before splashing water all over them, avoiding splashing the camera at all cost.

" HEY ! " Yu Chan screamed when Kwang Suk splashed him.


The splash parade ended and you got off the pool. Kwang Suk was right behind you when you noticed that Eui Jin had taken Kwang Suk's polaroid earlier and took a picture of them kissing. Kwang Suk held onto your small back as he took the picture in his other hand.

" It turned out great. " he smiled.


You took a short shower in your house after the swim, to which the swim mostly ended up as playing with the water. Kwang Suk decided to stay in your place for the night since he wanted to spend more time with you.

You were blow drying your hair as you scrolled through Instagram and saw that Kwang Suk has posted a picture of the polaroid picture Eui Jin took.

Don't know what I'd do without you, missed you so much. Even though you're currently in the shower. hehe.

You smiled at the caption.

You just can't get enough of your boyfriend, which is a good thing, right?

I find writing a Feeldog one shot weird since he has a girlfriend but well, it doesn't hurt anyone to write one, right? Anyways, hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment. Xx

Reminder : you can request a one shot. Comment down the artist/group and, if you want a specific one, genre.


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