Chan [UNB/ACE]

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Annyeong, my lovely chingus !!! Since Euijin, Feeldog and Chan are my three bias in UNB, I decided to make a one shot for each of them. Here's Chan's !!!

" It's been a while. " you smiled at the person with ombre hair in front of you, whom your friends call him, your prized possession. You and Yu Chan have been great friends since you two were kids. Your parents knew each other and you two live near each other in Jeju island. Many even thought you two were dating at times but all you could see out of him before was a best friend.

" I missed you so much, I don't know what to say. " Yu Chan spoke as he gave you a big tight bear hug that you missed so much. With UNB preparing for their next comeback, there was less time for you to meet up with your bestie but one way or another, he wouldn't miss a chance to meet you.

" I have today and tomorrow free so, we can watch a movie together. " he cheered as you two walked side by side. He had his hair covered up with a bucket hat to not attract any attention from the bright colours of his hair.

" I've been meaning to watch... " you turned to Yu Chan who was staring brightly at you.

" THE INCREDIBLES 2 " the both of you shouted together which brought attention but not too much that there will be news up about it.

" When I saw the movie poster, you were all I could think about. I wanted to see your excited face when we watch it. Thank god I managed to take time off just to watch it with you. " he muttered and you chuckled. You missed this boy so much.


You two spent a lot of time walking around Seoul, moving from place to place before anyone around could notice that the guy you're walking with is Chan.

You two were now in front of your house's doorstep, he wanted to drop you off for safety reasons. He never trusts you walking home alone anymore ever since you were ambushed by a bunch of guys in an alleyway, one fine day. Thankfully, Yu Chan decided to follow you and helped you off the grips of the guys.

" So, I've been wanting to say somethin- " Yu Chan said before he was cut off by a phone call.

" Ugh, I have to pick this up. It's Kwang Suk hyung. " he said before picking up the call.

" Hello? Yeah yeah, I'm dropping her off. I'll be there soon. " he said to the phone and hung up. You gave him a raised eyebrow. He chuckled before looking into your eyes.

" We'll talk tomorrow. If I don't go back to the dorm in 10 minutes, Kwang Suk hyung won't be the only one spamming calls. " he smiled. He quickly stole a kiss on your cheek before running off, leaving you stunned.

He never kissed you. This was the very first time. You didn't expect that but that one kiss made you think twice about keeping Yu Chan as just a friend.


You woke up very early in the morning. You could barely sleep from thinking about Yu Chan too much.

The whole morning felt odd, you were taking so much time picking out your clothes, which you never do, especially not when you're going out with Yu Chan.

You ended up wearing a plain white comfy tee with black ripped jeans. You put on some makeup. For the very first time, going out with Yu Chan with makeup on. Hopefully, he won't notice and start teasing you for it.

You curled your hair too, which you also never do, which is why you had to borrow a hair curler from your sister.


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