Jung Kook [BTS]

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Annyeong, my lovely chingus!!! Here's another one. I know I already did a Jung Kook one at the start but Jung Kook's my ult so, what can I do about it? AHAHA if you have an ult and you want a one shot, feel free to comment down, more description on the reminder at the end of the one shot. Anyways, enjoyy !!!

" Let's break up. " you said to your boyfriend, Jung Kook, tears filling in your eyes. You didn't want to reach the point of doing this but you were all out of options, you could no longer handle it.

" But, why? " he asked, clearly flustered and scared. He didn't want to lose you. The two of you have dated for almost as long as BTS debuted and breaking up means that everything will change.

" I-I can't do this anymore. It's best for the both of us. BTS is getting more and more popular, we barely have time for each other and I'm just a distraction to you and the boys. It's better if we break up. " you muttered, as much as you love him, you couldn't hold on any longer, it was hurting you too much.

Before he could reply you, you made him let go of your hands and ran as fast as you could out of their dorm, running wherever your legs took you. As you do, tears finally poured down your eyes as the wind hits your face from the run.

Before you know it, you reached your best friend's door. You knocked on it and thankfully, your friend was in the building. She opened the door and was shocked to see you in tears. She immediately let you in and brought you a glass of water to calm you down.

" What happened? " she asked, stroking your back to soothe you.

" I did it. I don't feel so good about it but I did it. " you burst into tears once again. " I miss him already. "

" Look, I don't care if he's a big sensational artist or not, but he's a dumb guy to not notice what you went through while being with him. If he can protect you from it, I'd be fine but it happened twice and I don't want a third occurrence of the incident. This is best for you. " your friend ranted. You needed it. You're never one to stand up for yourself and Jung Kook has been doing it for the past few years but he's been getting very busy and couldn't do it for you, especially that it happened when he was supposed to be the one to protect you.


Can we at least talk about it? You haven't been picking up my calls. I just need to know why you broke up with me. Please, call me back. -JK

You haven't been answering his calls. You didn't want to talk about it, it was too painful to see him and also by the fact that you were embarrassed to the reason why you broke up with him. It made you feel like you're a fragile and weak girl, talking about it. You only managed to open up to your friend.


As months passed by, you thought you'd be over him by now but it wasn't easy. Not when the person you're trying to get over has a huge reputation and everyone around the world is falling for him. Everywhere you went, you saw his face. Whether it was on billboards or the TV. Every time you see him, you fell for him all over again. You wanted to run into his arms and give him a big hug, but you can't because you have already let him go.

" Okay, you sulking here is not a good look. Not when I, your best friend, have to leave to work and you won't. You're a stylist, you can just find some other group to manage or something. I'm sure you'll get lots of people asking you to work for them. You were BTS's stylist after all. " your lovely best friend said. You only laid back down on the couch, ignoring what she said. You didn't want to get up, not anymore.

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