The Night Of Suprises

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Louises POV

tonight me and all my friends Chloe,rose,summer and Kelly are going clubbing for my birthday. this way I could forget all about Siva just for tonight. me and all my friends where getting ready I was always the first to be ready. I was wearing a short black fitted dress with some bright red heels my hair was curled and ready to go. Chloe was wearing short shorts that where lacy and a nice flowery top her brown hair was up in a doughnut bun. rose was wearing a short red fitted dress with red heels and her hair was natural. summer was wearing jeans and a really nice flowy top with her hair all wavy summer is more of a tomboy than a girly girl. lastly Kelly was wearing a play suit that was full of flowers ahe wore a flower in her messy hair and we where all ready to go. This was sure to be a great night.

chloes POV

all of us girls had decided Louise had been a bit under the weather after the whole best friend Siva leaving so we decided for her 21st we would take her clubbing to get her mind off things. we know that Siva was coming home in a couple of months but we didn't want to tell Louise it would only make her more upset. I don't really like this Siva but he was Louise's best friend. still he didn't keep in tonight was the night that we will be going clubbing we where all getting ready then the phone rang. I picked it up and someone said "hello is this Louise" I replied and said "no this is her friend Chloe who is speaking" then that's when he said it " my name is Siva i would like to speak to her I am her friend" I was so angry did he have any idea how much she had missed him so I said to him in a whispered tone so no one could hear "look Siva Louise is having the time of her life now that you are gone don't you dare come near her ever again" and with that I hung up.

louises POV

we where in the club and we where on the dance floor having the time of our lives. I had no care in the world I forgot all about Siva. we finally sat down in a booth and I said "I am getting the drinks what do you all want?" everyone told me their requests and off I went to the bar I stood there and then i heard someone say my name I turned around and there stood Siva. I looked at him and ran off crying my eyes out Chloe saw me and ran after me.

Sivas POV

I was at a club with all the boys for a night out and on the dance floor I saw Louise I nudged jay and said to him "look over there the girl in the black dress she was my best friend until I became famous" jay then said to me " what happened mate?" I told him how that when I left we didn't keep in touch and said what had happened with the whole Chloe incident. Jay then said to me "Mate you have to go and talk to her" so that's what I did she was at the bar so I walked up to her and called her name she turned around and I stood there smiling then a tear ran down her face and before I could say anything she ran out the club I saw her friend run after her how much I wanted to go and say how sorry I was.

Flash Back

Today it was Louise's 13th she was having a dinner and so we where all sat there and we decided it would be funny to play truth or dare and Louise's dare was to kiss me. neither me or her had have our first kiss yet but I guess tonight was the night we would and with each other. so we kissed I felt butterflies in my stomach I wonder if she felt the same? That's when I fell in love for the first time with my best friend.

Louise's POV

I ran and sat on a bench then cried my eyes out how could he just show up and think that everything was ok. then Chloe came over and said to me "forget about him have fun its your birthday he is just a dick head" then I shouted at her "DON'T CALL HIM THAT HE IS MY BEST FRIEND AND I LOVE HIM!" she then looked at me all shocked so I told her how I truly felt about Siva she looked so shocked she then said to me "I am so sorry I told him to leave you alone he phoned for you earlier I didnt want you to have a bad time I was jealous because you are my best friend and I thought if you became friends with him again you would forget about me" I wiped my tears away and gave her a hug and said "I would never forget you because you have been there for me ever since he left" I decided to go back to the club and confront Siva.

Flash Back

the day of my 13th birthday I decided that I would have a birthday meal with all my friends including Siva we decided that we would do truth or dare and so mine was that I had to kiss Siva me and him looked at each other. We both knew that we had never had our first kisses yet but I did it and then I had butterflies in my stomach that's when I fell in love with my best friend.

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