I Caught Him !

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sivas POV

I went to go and meet the lads at the recording studio it was only across the road from Louise's house she used to live with in with that Darren.I kept an eye on him he was on the phone passing up and down the living room oh how much I hated him. he hurt Louise he broke her heart yet again so did I. Then I flashed back to the night we broke up it broke me but now I have returned and we are friends again. I then walked over to the window and saw a girl go into the house Darren has already moved on wow that was fast.I then saw Darren raise his fist and hit the girl she fell  to the ground I decided I would film it so I could go and show Louise what her ex has been up to the he punched the girl again I got it on camera.I heard shouting from across the road then the girl ran out her face covered how I felt sorry for her. I had caught him ! he would now be ever sorry for being the dick head he is. about an hour later I decided I would leave and go and show Louise the video to show her how lucky she was that she got away from that creep.

Louises POV

I was sat on my bed trying to cover the bruises and cuts that he left me then I heard the door bell ring I slowly made my way to the door I opend it up to see Siva. he looked very exited and said "you are so lucky you got away from Darren" I gave him a strange look he put his phone in my hand and pressed play it was a video of Darren beating me up. Siva then said to me "look he beat up a girl luckily it wasn't you hey ?" I looked at him and said quietly "yer" under my breath I said "but it was me" he wont find out I just pulled my jumper over my cuts and said to him "why did you want to show me this?" he replied and hugged me and said "because you got away just before he did this to you" I cried and he wiped them away and said to me "why are you crying Louise?" I said to him "I feel so bad that this girl got this treatment it should have been me " I was trying to make sure he didn't find out that it was me and he was believing it yes.so after an hour of speaking with Siva he said to me "all of us lads are going to a club tonight we where wondering if you would like to come with?"  I decided it would be a great Idea to get everything off my mind but just how would I hide my cuts and bruises. Then an idea formed in my head if I put loads of makeup on them hopefully they will not show so I said to Siva "yes I would love to what time are we meeting?" he said "at 8 I will come and pick you up" i nodded and he was off he kissed me on the cheek ad said "get some rest you look shattered" I laughed and said to him "yer now go don't worry about me!" and off he went.

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