Chapter Four.

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Mostly backround shit this chapter.

It generally just fishes out how she met the Rogues from chapter three.~


Picks up from the last flashback.

The crimson-maned child continued onward, running full sprint into the forest behind the Dango stand. She was young, but she wasn't stupid. The Blonde man gave her an opportunity to escape, and she knew she had to take it.

Clutching the bag containing her food to her chest, the youth allowed herself to cast a brief glance behind her, and was slightly relieved to see the old man was not following her.

Taking refuge beneath the gnarled roots of a towering oak, she cowered there, unsure of what to do. She was tired, and her legs were extremely sore. All that running took a lot out of the girl.

Leaning back against the tree, she focused on attempting to calm her speeding heart. She was sure that anyone close enough, would hear it.

After a few moments, she cautiously opened the bag, and was greeted with the sight of bread, and an apple. This must must have been the man's lunch. After mentally thanking him, she quickly tucked into the food, delighted by the heavenly taste that danced in her mouth.

Instead of rushing through it, she savoured the food, only eating the apple and a few bites of the bread. She had to preserve what little resources she had, or else she'd be in trouble again.

Depending on her ears and eyes, she kept a careful watch for any lurking figures as she crawled out of her hiding place, before she slowly stood, and dusted her clothing off.

"You're okay? That's.. good." A sudden voice to her left nearly made her piss herself, and the small child whirled around, desperately clutching the bag to her chest. Did they come to harm her again?

However, her fears were washed away as her gaze fell upon the Blonde-haired man. He smiled lightly down at the girl, his hands tucked casually in his pockets. Steeled Onyx eyes met Depthless silver ones, and he released a dramatic sigh.

"Do you know how much of a pain that was? Geez, what'd you even do to piss the old as-...fart off?" Crouching down her her height, he smirked as the child released a quiet giggle.

"People don't like me." She shrugged, still holding the bag tightly to her chest. The man paused, before sighing again and ruffling her hair.

"There's another village a few miles from here. Are your parents around so they can take you there? You look like you need some actual food, and sleep." His smile faltered at the confused look that crossed her face.

"Parents..?" Frowning softly, she shook her head. "What are.. Parents?" The man, needless to say, was shocked. Did she not.. have any? It was nearly impossible to survive without a guardian to take care of you, until you could do so by yourself.

The man merely smiled again. "Ah. Don't worry about it. How about I take you there? But that's the farthest I can go, sadly. I still need to get back to my stand." The child nodded in understanding, before grabbing his hand hesitantly.

"Go on." She gestured to the forest, and he released a soft chuckle, before leading her towards a nearby path that led towards the small village.


Yep, that's how she met the first dude. Flashbacks are boring, so I'm gonna sum up the rest. She basically met the other people as she was travelling from place to place, and they helped her in some way. Hope that cleared some stuff up.

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