Kool-Aid Stains

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" You know? I'm gonna miss the nights on the Argo, " Leo said and smiled.

" I won't, " Hazel said and quickly rephrased it; " I mean the ship is very nice... but, as you already know, I don't do well with boats. "

" It's all good, Hazelnut... I've spent 2 years on this quest... building up to it with my first quest, building the Argo II, actually doing the quest. It's just-- dang, 2 years of our lives have spent! I still can't believe it, " Leo said, sighing.

" Me either. I still can't believe we survived. I'm so thankful, " Hazel said, smiling at the rest of the crew that was eating in the mess hall. Except for Jason and Piper who got a couple bad acid burns but we're going to in tiptop shape in a couple days.

" Well, it sure wasn't easy, " Leo said and pointed to his arm. It was in ace bandage and badly bruised and slightly bled through.

" Yeah... I'm also happy Frank's happy, " Hazel said and looked across the sea.

It was the very last boundary they had to cross before arriving back at Camp Half blood. Everyone was extremely cheerful now that the war was over and everyone survived. Turns out the last part of the prophecy was already filled before they started the quest.

Before Gwen died, she had a made promise to Dakota. She swore she would put on his armor for him. She adjusted his breastplate just before she was impaled. ( A/N: reference in The Son of Neptune )

Leo smiled mischievously, " Race ya to the mess hall! " He yelled while sprinting to the doorway.

Hazel folded her arms, " You cheated! "

" Not necessarily! " He shouted, turning around to face her while still running forward at full speed.

As Hazel prepared her response, Leo was just about to turn back around when he ran smack into Nico. Nico dropped his glass filled with red Kool-Aid all over himself and Leo skidded across the deck and banged his head against the ground.

Hazel rushed over to her brother and tried to soak up the juice with her jacket. " It's alright, Hazel. Just-- okay... it's fine. Please-- JUST STOP TOUCHING ME! " Nico yelled and pushed away Hazel's rapidly moving hands that were swiping across his chest and torso.

" Sorry... I didn't-, " Nico stuttered and handed her jacket to her.

Hazel smiled shyly, moving a lose hair out her face with slightly trembling finger. "No, I'm sorry... I know you don't like to be touched, so... I'll just go now, " she said and awkwardly walked the distance to the mess hall.

Leo groaned and rubbed his head, getting up from the floor. He shuffled over to Nico, still in a daze from the hit to the head. He held out his hand to Nico, who was still gathering the things that fell out of his jacket pocket. " I-i'm sorry, dude. I should've been looking where I was going, " he said and attempted to help Nico up.

Nico scowled at his extended hand, " Watch it. " He walked away, looking quite intimidating and angry for someone with Kool-Aid stains on their shirt.

( A/N: sorry... I know it's short but come on... it's the first chapter... it get betters with time )

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