8. Mama's Song

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Just to comment on my new song choice for this chapter, I know it's called Mama's song but I think it works? The lyrics I chose would kinda be a mix of Danielle and Lily's P.O.V? Just listen to it and hopefully it will make sense! 


                                                            He is good, so good,

                                And he treats your little girl like a real man should,

                                                            He is good, so good,

 Danielle's P.O.V

She was so still in denial. She was kind of like a bomb, you kept on waiting for it to explode but it never did. You don't want it to explode because of all the hurt it will cause, but you wish it would hurry up so that you can start repairing the damage sooner, you know what I mean?

No one knows what you mean; you're talking a load of gibberish. 

Ah well, as long as I can understand my own mind, who cares?

Eleanor and I had tried everything we could think of to break Lily down and make her cry, I know that sounds bad but everyone knows there are four stages in a break-up, well there's actually five but my tiny brain always forgets one of them so lets go for four, denial, depression, anger and acceptance. Lily was still on stage one, understandable since it had only just happened today, but she had to move her little ass over to stage four, soon. It wasn't as if she was sitting around moping, she was just acting like it had never even happened. It was kind of weird. Whenever I broke up with somebody, I sat and cried in my room for hours while stuffing my face with Ben and Jerry's.

We did manage to get her to cry a bit, which had caused us to cry, but it still felt as if she was holding something back, like she couldn’t get it all out of her system yet. So I guess she's moved up to stage two, depression, but she's still pretty cheerful so maybe depressed isn't the right word.

Oh, I don't know. She seems like one of those girls who hates other people seeing her weak, which is better than being one of those whiny, clingy girls, but everyone hurts, and keeping it all locked up inside you isn't going to help, you'll burst eventually.

The boys came through for half and hour, they would have stayed longer, but they had to get up early for rehearsals, which started at eight. Poor guys, they would only get seven hours sleep before having to get up. I however, needed at least ten hours sleep or I would be cranky for the rest of the day. Eleanor was the complete opposite, she could survive on only four hours, god knows how, and even when you woke her up, she was still her usual cheery self, a little ray of sunshine. I never understood how people could be happy in the mornings.

When the lads joined us, Louis sat beside Eleanor, being the good boyfriend that he was, and Niall sat beside him, bringing food with him which made me a very happy girl. What can I say, I need my food. Liam sat across from me, and we played footsie under the table, I don't think anyone realised my foot slipped and I accidently kicked Zayn at his ankle, he swore rather loudly which caused all of us to laugh, before stomping of to get ice for it. 

Harry, surprise surprise, sat beside Lily, they were so freaking cute together! I knew they weren't actually together, but if they were they would be so freaking cute! Lily didn't speak much, choosing to listen to our pointless conversations instead, but when she did contribute, she said something funny or witty, causing us all to laugh. I could see the way Harry looked at her. He stared at her the way Louis stared at Eleanor, the way Zayn stared at Perrie, the way Liam stared at me, heck, even the way Niall stared at a Nando's menu. He stared at her lovingly, like she was the only thing that mattered.

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