Chapter Seven

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Betty got up for another day of school. She was about to walk out when Jughead stopped her by saying, "Betts?" She turned around and looked at him. "I just hope you have a good day. And call me I'll come and get you if you need me to. Or if you need anything." She smiled, walked over and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Juggie." "You sure I can't drive you to school?" "I'm sure. I'll see you later." She smiled and walked to school. As Betty was walking to her locker, people awkwardly stared at her. She tried to ignore it. During class, Reggie handed her a note.
She unwrapped the piece of paper. It said "At least my mom loves me." Betty filled with anger. She looked over at Reggie who was laughing along with other guys. "What the hell Reggie?" She asked. Reggie continued to laugh. "What? I'm just glad my mom loves me and didn't kick me out. What did you do, Cooper? Why'd she throw you out?" She ignored his questions. "Hey I was asking you a question, now answer." She kept ignoring him. "No wonder your mother hates you you bitch." When Betty heard that comment, she snapped. She turned to Reggie and punched him right in the face. "Screw you Reggie you have no idea what I'm going through!" She screamed. "Can you all just leave me alone! None of you understand! You all stare me down! Make fun of me! Because of what happened with my mom! None of you know what the hell your saying!" She screamed. They all just looked at her. She stood up and grabbed her bag and walked out. She went outside and sat on the curb. She then began to walk back to Jughead's trailer. When she walked in, Jughead was there. "Jug? What are you doing here shouldn't you be in school?" She asked. "Shouldn't you?" He asked. She doesn't say anything. "What happened?" He asked nervously. She looked down and shook her head. "Baby? What happened?" He asked moving closer. She looked up sadly. "It was awful... people were giving me looks, writing mean notes. I'm trying to be strong- I just. I can't  anymore." She said sadly. He sighed and cupped her face. "Betty.. you are the strongest person I know. You'll get through this. And it won't be alone, because I'll be here with you every step of the way." She nodded slowly. He pulled her in for a hug, and held her protectively. "I'm here okay?" "I know, Jug. I know."

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