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I'm woken to Ben shaking me awake,

"Hey kiddo, its nearly Five, Edward and Harry will be here soon" Ben says.

Nearly five? I slept another four hours? What's wrong with me.

"Oh sorry" I say.

Ben eyes me suspiciously.

"I'm fine, I better go get ready" I say.

Ben smiles and I walk back upstairs, I have a quick shower and dress in my black skinny jeans and my favourite dark blue and white baseball shirt, I put my black vans on and put some gel in my hair, styling it slightly. I pack my backpack with jeans and a sweater for tomorrow, my pyjamas and a toothbrush. I then make my way downstairs, I can hear Edward and Harry in the hallway talking to Ben already.

They are in a hushed conversation and all look concerned, but when they see me they act like nothing was happening and smile widely at me. They are both dressed nicely in jeans and button ups with their hair styled, they look so amazing.

"Hey kiddo" Edward says. He comes over and kisses my forehead and tries to subtly check my temperature with his hand.

I push it away though.

"Hi" I smile and then I walk to Harry who kisses my head and cuddles me into his side.

"You ready to go?" Harry asks as he holds me to him.

"Yep" I say excitedly.

I say goodbye to Ben and we head out to Harry's rover. Edward opens the back door for me and I climb inside.

"How was your day bud?" Edward asks as he hops in the front seat.

I don't want to tell them I slept all day, that sounds so lazy, but I really needed it.

"Good, didn't do much" I wonder if I should bring up the note but decide against it,

"How was your day?" I ask instead.

"Long" they both answer and I chuckle.

"Are you excited to see this movie?" Edward asks.

"Yeah, I can't wait, can we get popcorn?" I ask excitedly.

Edward and Harry both laugh fondly.

"Of course we can" Harry says.

We pull up to the theatre and we head inside, Harry goes to buy tickets while Edward takes me to get popcorn and a drink, I decide on water as that's all I really feel like lately. Edward gets Harry and himself a coke each and a packet of gummy worms, which are my favourite.

We walk into the theatre and get comfy in our seats. I'm so excited to see this movie. Edward and Harry sit on either side of me and they both lift the arm rests up and we snuggle in close together. The movie starts and I eat a few mouthfuls of popcorn before I don't want anymore, Harry finishes most of it and I end up drinking all my water and most of Edward and Harry's drinks too.

The movie is awesome. Harry and Edward don't seem to like it much though, wincing at the gory bits. It's pretty ironic considering what they both do for a living, it causes me to giggle.

When the movie is over we head back to their place and Edward and Harry tell me they want to cook for me. I quickly agree, I'm quite tired again and just want to spend some quiet time with them both.

When we get inside Edward and Harry lead me into the kitchen and Harry lifts me up and places me on the kitchen bench.

"Now, favourite meal in the entire world?" Edward asks smiling widely.

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