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My safe bubble lasts two days. I venture out to use the bathroom, shower, brush my teeth and change into my black sweats and a black T-shirt. As I'm leaving the bathroom I notice the house is really quiet and none of the boys are waiting at the door like usual.

I suddenly get a terrible feeling in my stomach and head towards my room to get my phone. As I walk into the lounge my breath catches in my throat. Harry is lying unconscious on the floor. I rush over to him and roll him onto his back.

He's still breathing thankfully but he's not moving and he looks like he's been beaten and his eye is black and cheek bruised.

I begin to panic.

"Harry" I choke, I try shaking him but he doesn't respond.

"Ohhh Kitten, that won't work" I hear and the voice sends fear rippling through my body.

My breathing comes out irregularly as I stand up and turn around to face the man with the hoodie from the nightclub. He's smiling at me, he's wearing the same hoodie and black jeans. He' leaning across the doorway and has a knife in his hand that he's twirling in his fingers.

"You're so gorgeous when you're scared" He chuckles at me.

He moves closer and I instinctively move backwards.

"You want me to leave him alive right?" The man asks, referring to Harry.

I don't answer I just breathe harsher

"You come with me and I'll leave him breathing" The guy says seriously.

"I..." I start, there is no way I'd let him kill Harry, of course I'll go with him, but my words aren't coming out.

"I'll stab him right now, right through the chest, I'll cut him open right in front of you" He tells me evilly as he stops beside Harry's body.

"No....I..I'll come" I say choked.

The man smirks at me.

"I know, just remember Kitten, you're all mine now" He says evilly and I slightly register the king hit to my cheek and the needle in my arm before it all goes black.


I wake in a cold basement, my head is pounding and my cheek is killing me. It takes a few minutes for my eyes to adjust and when they do, I wish I never opened them. I'm in a corner, my sweats are gone and I'm left in my black boxers and black T-shirt.

I try to move and I can't, my body is attached to the wall by a tight chain going around my rib cage, my mouth is gagged tightly and my wrists are also chained to the wall beside me. There is a mattress under me and I'm on my knees.

I register pain and my body aches all over. It's the smell that gets me though, the smell of what can only be rotting flesh. As I look around the room I notice cages along the walls and a metal table in the centre of the room. There is someone attached to it, not moving and they have a sack over their head.

I whimper and try to steady my breathing

"Kitten" I hear.

I look to my left and see my captor sitting in a chair, he's still in jeans and the hoodie and he's waiting patiently with his legs crossed.

Tears stream down my face as i try to calm myself down. I'm absolutely terrified of this man.

"Shhhhhh, it's okay, my Kitten shouldn't cry" he soothes me,

He stands up and makes his way over to me, he kneels in front of me and wipes my tears off my cheeks, I flinch when he runs his hand over my bruised cheek.

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