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The first few days at home are tough, I find it hard to move around and am confined to the couch, In front of the TV. People have been knocking on the front door at all hours of the night asking to see me. The boys have hired security now and they sit outside the front door. The boys are getting harassed at work by the media too, about me and my story and what happened. They don't seem fazed at all and haven't said anything, but it must be getting annoying.

I'm not sleeping either, I see my captor every time my eyes shut, I'm scared to leave the house, even though he's in jail I can't help but watch my back, even when I leave a room in the safety of the house. I feel like someone is watching me all the time.

All the boys including Edward and Harry have had to go back to work and things are getting back to normal around here, including nightly dinners which I don't really eat. I'm trying my hardest to get on with things, but It's hard. My first session with my psychologist Kimberly went okay, she was really nice but we didn't talk about what happened, just about me and the boys.

My phone rings at lunch time on Tuesday, four days after being at home. I answer thinking it's Harry or Edward.

"Is that Louis Tomlinson?" The voice asks.

"Um yeah?" I ask confused.

"This is Lisa Court from the Sun, I'd just like to ask you a few questions" she says.

"Um, no sorry" I say and go to hang up, how the hell does she have my number.

"Louis, the public deserves to know what happened to you, they have the right to know why your life was spared and your peers were killed. Did you see Rhys Buttler killed? Did you watch him die, knowing your life was saved because of him?" She asks me.

My breathing picks up as flashes of Rhys being tortured run through my head.

"Stop, please stop" I say upset.

"Tell me Louis, tell us the truth" she says and I hang up, i can't stop the flashback and it's so real.

I turn the TV on trying to take my mind off it all, the news is on though and I see Liam and Edward being chased by cameras into the hospital, people yelling at them, asking if I'm in a relationship with Edward and Harry. Edward ignores them though.

The clip then flips to a live broadcast, Harry is leading it, standing in front of the media addressing them.

"It has been confirmed that Louis Tomlinson has been found safe and well and an arrest has been made for his kidnapping and the murders of Joshua,Thomas, Cody and Rhys" Harry states.

A few people throw questions as Harry.

"I will not comment on the relationship status of Louis, my partner Edward and I, that is a private matter and nothing to do with this case" Harry says in reply.

"Louis is related to officer Andy Tomlinson and if he's in a relationship with you, it's safe to say that you and Scott Styles are family and therefore he would have received special treatment and the search upgraded when he disappeared, how is that fair to the other boys" a reporter asks harshly.

"Regardless of the relationships with anyone in this police force, Louis life was at risk the same as all the other boys, Louis isn't special, he didn't receive special treatment. Another boy died while he was taken and we worked our arses of to find them both. We were lucky that Louis's captor decided to keep him alive a little longer. When we found Louis, he was on the verge of death, he too very nearly lost his life" Harry says, starting to get angry.

"But again, his brother and your partner were the ones to help save his life, how can you say he didn't receive special treatment?" Another reporter asks.

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