Chapter 4

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(Brendons POV)

Sarah did claim that today she was coming to see me. That we needed to talk. She never showed up though. She didn't call me, or text me. I decided that I should text her back, be a decent boyfriend. Even if I was questioning being with her.

Brendon: i was actually asleep, baby

I waited for her response. Dallon went to his room for a bit, in case someone was looking for him. We don't need anyone suspicious about us. We don't need people asking why he's in my hotel room when he has his own. We could always make up a million excuses. "Oh the bed is uncomfortable so I let him stay with me" "there was a spider in his room" "we wanted to watch a movie together" I mean, it's not that hard. We rather be safe then sorry though.

Sarah: you fucfjing bastard I knew it

Brendon: what the fuck did I do

She's a slow typer. Always has been, and it's kinda annoying at times like these. I tried to search my brain for a reason why me going to sleep is a bad thing, but I couldn't come up with one. Suddenly someone starts knocking on my door. Heavy and loud. Sounds important. I unlock it, pulling it open and Dallon shoves past and I close the door, locking it. "We are.. oh my god fucking hell.. Brendon we are screwed." Dallon says, panic clear in his voice. He eyes showed fear, and I began to worry. "Baby calm down what's wrong." I say grabbing his wrists and he lifts up his phone, shoving it in my face. I let go of him and take it to focus on it better. It was a post on Instagram. A fan account.

It was a photo of Dallon and I walking down the street, clearly holding hands. The caption was "so Brallon is real? Sarah is a Cover up, knew it!" All of us tagged And I swallow harshly. "Brendon." He whines, clearly scared. "We'll be okay. If anyone asks, I was drunk and was acting out so you had to hold my hand to ensure I didn't run into traffic." I say and he shakily runs his hands through his hair. "What if they saw us when it was raining? What if they have pictures of us kissing?" He says and I smile. "It was raining pretty hard, they wouldn't be able to get a clear shot. Plus, they probably left once it started raining. Or maybe even before that. Maybe they just saw us walking down the street with no context to what was happening okay?" I say and he slowly nods.

He was clearly shaken up, and I couldn't lie, I was quite scared too. I walk over, and press a soft kiss to his lips, and he pulls me in for a hug. "We gotta be more secretive." He mumbles and I sigh. "I wanna be able to hold your hand in public and kiss you whenever." I mumble. "I do too, babe. You gotta figure things out." He says and I nod. I know what he meant. I had to choose. I couldn't just yet though. I don't wanna hurt Sarah. I don't know who I want. I definitely don't wanna hurt Dallon either. My phone rings and I pick it up, not leaving Dallons grasp. "Hello?" I say. "What is that picture. What the fuck." Sarah says. "Of Dallon and I?" I ask and she laughs. "Yes!" She says loudly. "I was drunk and acting out so he held my hand to make sure I didn't run in the street or get arrested." I say. "I don't believe you." She says. "Well that's what happened." I say. "We are talking later. I'll be on the bus." She says and I sigh. "Okay." I mumble and she hangs up, clearly mad at me.

"She keeps accusing me of having sex with you too, she did last night. It's annoying." I state remembering the text she sent last night and he chuckles. "Have you ever had sex with a man before?" He asks, his voice just below a whisper. As if someone else would hear what he had asked. "What?" I ask, my face flushing red. "Have you?" He asks. "Are you being suggestive?" I ask and he chuckles. "Maybe so but that doesn't answer my question." He says, and I look down at my feet. "Yeah, one." I say softly. I wasn't lying, I've been with multiple guys before, only let it get that far with one. "Okay." He says, and I rest my head on his shoulder and nod. "I'm gonna go back to my room. The guys probably saw that photo by now and me being in here, it won't make us look good." He says and I lift my head off him and nod.

"You're right. I'll see you in a bit." I say and he nods, and I gently grab his face kissing him. He smiles into the kiss and we break away, and I chuckle softly. I press a quick kiss to his cheek and then step away from him. Later that night, Sarah didn't show up. We got on the bus and drove off, but she did call. "Hey babe." I say answering it. "Hey." She says softly through the phone. "I miss you." She says. "I miss you too, honey." I say. "No. I miss how you used to be before. When I met you." She says, and I cough, sitting up. "I haven't changed much. I look different but I'm still the same person, Sarah." I say gently. I didn't wanna upset her. I notice Kenny glance at me and then at Dallon, and looks back at his phone. A look of surprise crosses his face and he makes eye contact with me, anger clear on his face.

I look away, knowing when I hang up, I won't hear the end of it. "You've changed a lot. You, you never talk to me much. It all started last month. You started to get distant. If you don't love me just say it." She says and I feel panic rush through me. "Sarah I don't wanna argue right now okay?" I say and she sighs. "I love you Brendon." She says. "You too, Sarah. Call me later?" I say. Dallon was right beside me, and he smiles slightly at me. "I guess." She says and hangs up. "Is she okay?" Dallon asks and I nod. "Yeah. Just a bit worked up." I say. Kenny coughs and I look at him. "What's that picture about?" He asks. "I was drunk and Dallon wanted to make sure I wouldn't run into traffic. I was getting a bit out of control apparently." I say and Kenny stares at me.

"I don't believe that." He says and Dallon glances at me nervously. "I know whats going on between you two." He says and I was so thankful Zach and Dan were asleep. "What're you talking about?" I ask. "You both showed up to the photo shoot late. Both had messy hair. That looks bad. This photo. And I saw you guys kissing this morning." He says disappointment clear in his voice and my blood runs cold. "W-what?" I say. "I was going to your room to ask if you both wanted to get breakfast with the rest of us. Dallon didn't answer so I went to your room, figuring he was with you and saw you guys kissing in the doorway." He says, and I look at my lap. "I won't tell anyone. None of my business. But goddamnit Brendon if you're gonna do shit like this, be more careful." He says and I slowly nod.

"I'm disappointed in both of you honestly. Leave Sarah if you don't love her anymore. Cheating is the worst thing you can do." He says and Dallon stands up, walking into the bunk area without a word. He felt bad. "I'll act like I didn't see anything. I just, you're better then that Brendon." He says, and he too gets up, saying a small goodnight. I sat there by myself, not moving. Kenny saw. He saw. He saw Dallon and I kissing. He knows. Kenny fucking knows. I sigh loudly, and lean forward, gripping my hair. I love Sarah, I do. She cares for me, and always makes sure I'm on my feet. But then there's Dallon. He makes me feel ways Sarah never did. The more I thought of it, I loved Sarah more as a friend compared to how much I liked Dallon. "Fuck." I mumble letting go of my hair. I don't know what to do. I thought I was in love with Sarah, but deep down I always knew I had feelings for him. If I break up with Sarah, everyone is gonna freak out on me. I still wouldn't be able to have a proper relationship with Dallon, even if I wanted to.

We'd still have to be sneaky in public. Us being in a relationship makes the band look bad. Not because we're two guys, but because then if we were to break up, it wouldn't end well for the band. People would worry about that all the time. It's just too risky. I was hoping Dallon would come back in after he realized Kenny left but he never did. I stand up, and grab a beer, taking a long swig out of it. "Fucking moron." I mumble to myself slamming the beer down. I was angry. I didn't know why, I should've expected this. We weren't careful at all. Come to think of it, we didn't even try to cover up our tracks. I don't want to have to. This whole situation is so fucked up.

Yet I only have myself to blame. I brought myself onto Dallon, it's my fault this is happening. Yet I still don't want it to stop, I don't want to let him go. I'm just glad it was Kenny who found out. I know he won't go and yell it to the world. I take another sip of my beer, sighing. We just gotta be more careful. We got to be as secretive as possible. We will. I couldn't fall asleep that night.

Authors Note

You know what feel free to attack Kenny I the comments just don't spam with "ew" everytime his name shows up, you get candy if you cleverly insult him

So much for no negativity lmao oops

Thanks for reading♡♡


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