Chapter 2

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(Brendons POV)

I woke up to people talking in raised voices, which I didn't expect. "Okay yeah I am, so what?" I hear Dallon say defensively. "I'm proud of you man, but it's just all makes sense now. Like why you don't have a girlfriend yet and why you're so.. Like that with Brendon." I hear Kenny say. "That has nothing to do with my sexuality. Him and I, we're just kidding around. Obviously. He has Sarah. Don't like him like that." Dallon says and I decide I should make myself present so they know I'm awake. Listening in on conversations I shouldn't will make me feel guilty. I mean, Kwnny really didn't have to bring up that Dallons gay. We all know that.

That's not a valid excuse for what we're doing to be suspicious, and to be honest Kenny needs to mind his business. First he questioned me now he's making Dal uncomfortable. I climb out of my bunk and they immediately stop talking. "Are we there yet?" I ask while stretching my arm out, as if I wasn't just listening to them. "In like 4 minutes." Kenny says and I nod. "Hi dal." I say while patting his shoulder, as I walked past them to get a snack. Oreos sounds wuite good right about now but we sadly don't have any. It's tragic, truly. When we got to the hotel, we all said goodnight and went our seperate ways.

Though, because I took that nap I couldn't sleep. I slide my shirt back on, and decide to go see what Dallon was up to. I know he's up. It's only 2am, and he won't go to bed for another hour or two. I knock on his door and he opens it after a few seconds. "Oh hey Bren." He says stepping aside and letting me in. I close the door behind me, and he sits on his bed. "I still never got those cuddles." I joke and he laughs. "Being serious?" He questions with raised eyebrows. "Nah, I just wanna see what you're up to. I can't sleep." I say, sitting down beside him. "Wanna watch a movie with me?" He asks and I nod.

He chose a movie and I didn't really pay attention. I was lost in my thoughts. But for Dallons sake, I stared at the screen and acted as if I cared about the movie. Halfway through the movie, I roll over and put my head on Dallons chest, throwing my arm over him. "Hmm?" Dallon says, and I cuddle into him. I don't know why I had an urge to cuddle him. Maybe it's because I miss Sarah. Yeah that's it. I miss my beautiful girlfriend, who is extremely pissed at me for existing in Dallons presence and here I am, cuddling him. I ended up falling asleep in Dallons arms.


I woke up in my hotel room, slightly confused. I'm guessing he carried me in here? I run my hands through my hair. I needed to shower. So I did just that, and changed my clothes. I already felt so much better. Today was a busy day. The morning, we had free, nothing going on. Right when 12 hit we had an interview, and an hour after that we had a photoshoot. After the show tonight, we had another one. Could be worse if I'm completely honest. I didn't mind interviews, but two in a day was kinda annoying. I walked out, almost bumping into someone. Dallon. "Oh- hi, uh, I was gonna go get some breakfast. Wanna come with?" He asks and I nod. "You look nice today." He says looking at my outfit and I smile softly. Is he checking me out?

"You do too, you always do." I say and he says a small thank you and we head off to get breakfast. We settled on going to the cafe next to the hotel and getting some muffins and coffee. Well he got hot chocolate, I got coffee. As I sipped my coffee, a thought came to mind. Was this a date? No, of course it isn't. All the guys know I'm Pansexual. I don't have a preference. As long as your heart is in the right place and you got an attractive face, I don't mind. But he's said so himself that the on stage stuff is a joke though, which it is. He could never look at me in that way. This is just two friends eating breakfast together, that's it.

I look up at Dallon as he went on about how excited he is for the show tonight. We were in New York as of right now. We had two shows here. "I think after the show, I'm gonna walk around times square." He says and I place my coffee down. "Just be careful, especially at night." I say. We all try and make sure we're not alone when going places. For safety reasons, of course. Some fans do get extremely crazy. "I'll wear sunglasses." He says. "At night?" I joke and he chuckles. "The moon gets too bright for me." He says. "That's a shame. The moon is pretty." I say and he chuckles. "Hey fuck you." I say and he looks at me, eyes shining. "Is that an offer?" He asks and I feel my face heat up.

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