The bad news and the good news Chapter 1

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Hi my name I Victoria and this summer I am going to Los Angeles California for a girls getaway with 5 of my best friends. I am currently 18 along with Ana , Rhiannon, Ariana,Kayla, and Meri are 17.




My alarm goes off at 5:30 and I am tempted to go back to sleep but I have to go pick up the girls so we wouldn't miss our flight. As so as we got I the airport we ordered coffee to wake us up it was 6:30am and we don't board till 7:00am so we had to wait. finally we boarded I called window seat and Rhiannon called aisle seat so basically or seating arrangement went like this starting from window seat to aisle seat me,ana,ariana,meri,kayla,then Rhiannon. The plane ride felt like it was hours but we finally got I was so happy that I ran to baggage claim. "Finally I missed you land," I said over dramatically.

As soon as everyone got their bags we headed to the hotel my mom booked us but when we got there we saw a sign that read "This hotel has been shut down."

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe this! We have no where else to go!" Ana said.

"Well looks like we have to go back to the airport until I get ahold of my mom," I said. We headed back to the airport and when we got there I told the girls to go sit down and I would buy us some starbucks.

While I was in line I could've sworn some guy kept staring at me from behind. I was just about to turn around and yell at him but instead I just starred at him in shock. I could not believe the Cameron Dallas was standing right behind me!!! (I fangirled inside my head)

"So what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone in an airport?" He asked.

"Oh (hehe) I'm not alone actually I'm here with my friends for the summer but it turns out that the hotel we were gonna stay at shut down so we are headed back home." I explained to him. "Oh well if you and your friends want you can stay at Nash's and my apartment," he offered.

"Oh my are you serious? I don't want to intrude.." I said.

"Nah bae it's really okay we have to extra rooms," he said.

"Will Nash be okay with you bringing us?" I asked.

"Yes he'll be completely fine with it," Cameron replied.

"Okay then do you want to go with me to tell my friends or do you order my starbucks?" I asked.

"How about I buy ya'll starbucks and you wait for Matt and Carter for me?" Cameron said.

"Okay what do I tell them when I see them?" I asked.

"Just tell them I'm getting them starbucks and for them to wait with ya'll" he replied.

"Okay," I said with a smile.

When I got back to my friends without starbucks they looked disappointed but then I said "Well now we have a place to stay," I said. "Really where!?" Ana asked.

"At a friends apartment," I replied

"Tell us right now I don't want to go with some strangers," Ariana said.

"It's a surprise and we have to wait for some people they should be landing in a couple of minutes," I replied "who?" Kayla asked. "That's a surprise too," I said "Ughhh," everyone complained.

Finally Matt and Carter got out of the plane and I got up and told the girl I was gonna cancel a flight but I was really going to get the boys.

"Hey, umm I'm Victoria and Cameron told me to come get ya'll," I said "Oh ok" Matt replied for both of them.

"Okay so I'm here with my friends and they are huge fans sooo sorry," I said. "That's okay," they replied.

"So girls these are the people we were waiting for," I said and they all turned their heads and screamed. "OMG"!!

"Your Matthew Espinosa"Meri said "yup and what your name beautiful"Matthew asked " me....oh ummmm I'm uhh I'm Meri"

"We'll Meri that's a beautiful name"Matt said " Thanks"Meri replied "not to be rude but where's cameron?"carter asked "oh umm he's buying us Starbucks"I replied "yummy"carter said. Just as I said that Cameron came and passed out our Starbucks and sat down next to me while we waited for taylor caniff to hurry his butt up and get off his plane "oh and thanks for the Starbucks bae"i said jokingly "no problem bae anything for a pretty girl like you" Cameron said then kissing my cheek me being me I blushed madly "you look cute when you blush" he whispered making me blush even more and he chuckled. Finally Taylor got there and started flirting madly with Ana and she was playing hard to get being the confident person she his and he followed her like a puppy dog. When we got to Cameron's apartment we were greeted by shawn,nash,hayes,jack g,jack j,mahogany,and Arron in big bear hugs. We were just so excited to be sending the whole summer with the attractive boys and mahogany who seemed really cool.

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