Chapter 12

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Meri's P.O.V

I woke up this morning in Matt's room excited because I was going to live with instead of going back to my horrible parents all I had to do is go get what I needed from home. Our flight home leave at 1:00pm and I was currently 11:00am and I only had 1 hour to pack all my crap so I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth changing into yoga pants and a nike dry fit shirt and when I finally finished packing it was 12:20 I thought it was good timing and so I went downstairs and the girls were there all ready to go and we had really long sad goodbyes even though we would see them everyday trough vine and the internet. When got we to the airport we went to go wait to board the plane when it was ready.

skip plane ride....

Meri P.O.V

We got of the plane and Victoria dropped us off one by one I was last because we lived closer to each other then the rest of the girls we finally got to my house and I said "thanks for taking me on the trip Victoria I had lots if fun" "no problem Meri and be careful with your parents okay"I said "ok thanks"i replied and with that I got out of the car and waved a quick goodbye while walking to the front door. when I opened the door I saw my parents with a man that I have never seen before with huge grins on their faces what is happening my parents never smile unless they have too.


Cliffhanger who's the stranger is he their to save her or worst?

Sorry but I have to take a shower so tho is as far as I can get.

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