Chapter 4

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Kayla's P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of tacos my favorite so I went to the restroom and brushed my teeth then went downstairs in yoga pants and a tank top with my hair in a messy bun.

When I got downstairs I saw Nash auguring with his little brother Hayes over something so I sat on his lap an told him to leave poor Hayes alone. Surprisingly he shut up right away and turned his head toward the t.v I grabbed the remote from his hand and put sponge bob on. Nash didn't like that so he took the remote back and told me that I couldn't get it back unless I kissed him so I kissed his cheek and I took it from his hands and ran away with the remote he got up really fast and started chasing me and man he was fast so ran into the bathroom and locked the door I stuffed the remote in my bra and started opening cabinets and making it sound like I was hiding it inside the restroom somewhere then unlocked the door and walked out."Kayla where the remote"he whined "it's in the restroom somewhere"I said and he walked in and I shut the door an called cameron to help me lock him in there " hey that's not fair let me out" Nash whined "nope not unless we get to watch sponge bob" I said "fine fine you win now let me out" "k" we walked back to the living room and I put sponge back on and I cuddled up with Nash and thats what we did for about 3 hours.

"Kayla" he whined " whattttt"i mocked him " it's not funny let's do something I'm bored" he said "but I don't wanna get up and you can't make me get up" I said "fine but you gonna get it later"Nash said evilly. We were watching tom and jerry when Nah pinned me down with his knees and started tickling me "N...Nash stop I can't breath" I said while laughing " now will you get up" Nash said " yes I will I promise" I said " ok" while slowly letting me go I stood up and went to the kitchen for food when came behind me and scared the heck out of me and he just busted out laughing " it's no funny I almost had a heart attack" I said " awe babe I'm sorry" Nash said while leaning in for a kiss I didn't know what to think was I really gonna kiss the Nash Grier our lips were about to touch but then cameron walked in an at the top of his lungs yelled " ohhhh get some Nash" me and Nash shot him death glares an he slowly back out of the kitchen and then me and Nash continued one what we were doing as soon as we kissed I felt firework light up inside my stomach he was a good kisser I'll admit this much but then the microwave went off an the our kiss ended because my popcorn was ready. The rest of the day was great we watched cartoons and ate and every now and then he would place a kiss on my lips right then and there I knew that Nash Grier was the one.

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