Chapter 13

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Matts P.O.V

I can't believe I knew I should have gone with her one and now she's gone forever then my went off with a text message from an unknown number

(Conversation m-Matt

And u-unknown)

U- Hey this is Meri and I can tell you where I'm going or who bought me or I'll lose contact with you.😭

M-I understand but understand that I will never stop looking for you I love you Meri and i know this might be really sudden but I do.😭😘

U- Matt I love you too and don't feel like that your the best thing that's ever happen to me😘😍😭

M-I miss you so much I feel like this is all my fault I didn't stop you from going alone I should of gone with you

U- don't feel like that you did good and I don't wanna end this conversation but I am currently at the place so I have to go okay Matt I love you bye text you later okay.

M- bye babe😉love you too

Meri's P.O.V

When I got to the place I was amazed it was huge I look like my dream house If I wasn't here to be sold then I would love it here. I knocked on the door to be greeted by...........

Cliff hanger sorry but comment down below who you think it is

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