Chapter 7

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Victoria's P.O.V

I woke up in Cameron's room but he wasn't there so I got my phone a say that he left me a message saying 'went to the store to buy some things be ready for our date'. I didn't know where we were going so I just wore my blue jean shorts and a white crop top with black sandals and left my hair natural. He got back at around 12:00pm and asked if I was ready to go then we left he wouldn't tell me where we were going he just said its a surprise an kissed me to shut me up. When we got there he told me to close my eyes and I did he come over to my side of the car and help me out and I felt like we were walking for hours the finally cameron said I could open my eyes and I was so amazed at where he brought me we were at a pond somewhere in the woods and their was a picnic set up up near the water. "omg cameron it so pretty here thank you for taking me here" I said "no problem anything for you I actually brought you here to ask you a question" Cameron said "what is it?" I asked "Victoria would you like be my girlfriend?" cameron asked " of course I would be stupid to say no" I replied "I'm so glad you said yes and would you like to take an Instagram picture with me" he asked "of course"i said. We took a picture of us kissing and he put here with my amazing beautiful girlfriend on a date and tagged me in as the caption. We had an amazing date and we ended up going swimming in our undergarments and had a great time I wish that we could stay her forever. and then I got a brilliant idea but I'll tell the girls the plan later summer is going great and I never want it to leave but we only have 5 more weeks if summer left time flew by so fast. When we got back to the house me and cameron went to my room and he took off his shirt and shorts cause he always slept in his boxers and I put on his shirt and my spandex shorts. I put on pitch perfect and he laughed every time I sang a long to the song I knew word for word in that movie and we fell asleep together me dreaming about us together in the future in really like cameron no I don't just like him I'm in love with him.

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