Friendship Reunited

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Goldy's POV
Unicorn asks me to talk in private, and he looks happy. " Sabre and Cookie are like a totally a thing so Sabre is just happy that your back as a friend. He does not love you." he said. I start crying a little bit and head to my  room. I see gifts. And Ballons. And I am guessing the black,green, and orange is Tina's balloon for me. Blue one is Ryan's and the rest is white and purple. I head over to the gift and see the only thing that I ever wanted, a real live sloth. I start crying and carry it back to the playroom and said "Thank you. Thank you so much Unicorn Man.

Sabre's POV
I was confused. I opened my mouth and Goldy said "Shut it. I know what you and Cookie have been doing. You guys were kissing and hugging and all that stuff. I dont know why I even became friends with you. You are just a traitor. And my last words to you apperantly did not stick." And turned away. Wow she can be snappy I think. Then I see Unicorn Man's grin. Goldy runs up stairs, not looking back.

Ucm's POV
Yes. Planed worked I thought. But on the inside I felt bad. Sabre was looking for the sloth for a long time. Untill he found one. He told everyone and everyone else got him the food and the toys. But I just made him feel miserable. I run toward Goldy's room and say, "Hey Goldy, um, Chic-" "I don't want to hear about him. He's been so mean to both of us, he is unwanted." She said. "He got you the sloth" I said leaving her room. "He didn't. I know he didn't."

Cookie POV
Now, Sabre has no feelings for. Planed worked out, but then I see Sabre coming towards me and said "I hate you. You brat. You just wanted my love. And you can see I had a crush on Goldy. Now we are not even friends."

Ryan's POV
I go upstairs to see Unicorn leave her room and say "She didn't believe you. Didn't she?" "No." He said. I walk into Goldy's door and say "Wanna play video games at the arcade?" She shook her head continually playing with her sloth. I say "He actually did, Goldy. Took him 5 years and another 2 years for saving money." I said walking out toward my room for tea. (LIPTON SPONSOR HIM)

Tina's POV
I sigh starring at the sky. Its all Cookie's fault. She made Sabre fall fir her and while doing that he buys a sloth for Goldy. I see Ryan coming down the stairs with tea (LIPTON SPONSOR HIM, lol) and shook his head. Cookie comes down the stairs with Sabre and said sorry.

Ryan's POV
"YOU SHOULD APOLOGIZE TO GOLDY NOT US. Also Sabre." "Okay...." Cookie said making a 😒 face.
Goldy's POV
Cookie knocks on my door and says, "Look I am sorry Janet. Please forgive me!" "Okay Collins." I say. We both were laughing. 10 minutes later we were watching animations and FanArt.

I dont know where I am gonna go with this just roll with it meh dudes.

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