thirty five

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It's twelve in the afternoon when we arrive back at the place from which we made our great escape. Thomas has been asleep the whole ride here, and I'm not keen on waking him.

The building looks smaller this time as we approach it. It's only been less than two days, but it feels like entering a different dimension. I can't tell if anything has majorly changed about me, but it feels like the person that walked out of there is not the same one that's about to walk in.

I didn't fight Vince's friend—Eric, I've learned—on taking us back. As much as we hate the place, if Thomas needs some sort of medication, where else can we go? I certainly don't have it, and I wouldn't know who does aside from TIMI. If he needs help, that's the most important thing.

A part of me knew this was inevitable. We couldn't live like that forever. But now we're back, and I have to face the consequences of running.

It was Vince's idea to come back, and I trust his judgement enough not to question him. He has a cover story ready, and I'm going to go along with it. After all he did for us, he doesn't deserve to be punished.

I count the deep breaths I take in the back of the van, switching my gaze from outside to Thomas. He's got his face pressed against the window, and he looks much more peaceful than before. Without consciousness plaguing him, the alien expression he had is no longer there, and it's melted back into the softer features of the Thomas I know.

"Are you ready?" Eric asks. That's a ridiculous question.

We're parked in front of the main building I had to go to when I checked in. I was so anxious that day; I didn't know what to expect. It certainly wasn't this. I was dreading the change of being in a new place without my family. Now I'm dreading something totally different.


They treat us like criminals being transported to jail as they bring us back into TIMI. Are we criminals? I'm not sure if we broke the law, but if we're still right about them and WCKD, would that even matter?

Thomas freaks out upon being woken up by TIMI nurses taking him out of the van, but they were ready for that. I watched helplessly as they sedated him and put him in a wheelchair similar to mine.

As for me, I just sit still and let them roll me back in alongside Thomas. They don't ask me anything or even address me at all aside from a warning not to try anything, most likely because other people want to do the talking. In front of us, two nurses hold our suitcases, and there's something morbidly funny about the sight of them carrying our things for us.

I wish Thomas was awake and able to talk to me. He always has a way of making things seem better, and right now, they couldn't look worse. I'm tapping out tens on the arm of my chair as we go through the doors.

We're immediately brought to our building after a humiliating pat down by a security guard, and are greeted with the beautiful sight of Janson and Ava Paige waiting behind the doors. My stomach lurches, and if I wasn't in such a numb state, I'd probably throw up. I can hear my heart beating, and all I want is to see my mother.

Ava Paige walks forward with a cold smile and looks at Thomas before looking at me. We lock eyes, and I wish I would disappear.

"Get them to their rooms," she directs, only breaking her gaze when they start to wheel me away. I can see Janson leering at us from beside her.

The hallways feel infinitely colder. Everything about it is unpleasant, and I can hear every little noise made. The rolling wheels, the squeaking sound of sneakers on the tile, and a distant buzz of voices. They'll be eating lunch now. I wonder if they know we're back. Were they even told we left in the first place?

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