Chapter 2

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In the tower

They entered the tower and sat on the couch.

"Ow... my head is killing me." Cyborg said

"Mine too." Beast boy said

"Well we can't sit here forever." Raven said

"Yeah especially if Mumbo has ____." Robin said

"We must search for her yes?" Starfire said

"I could track her communicator and that will lead us strait to Mumbo." Cyborg said

"Then do it! How long will that even take?" Beast boy said

"Calm down dude! It shouldn't take long." Cyborg said

Cyborg went to the computer and started typing. After 10 minutes he gets a signal.

"I found her! They're by the city bank." Cyborg said

"Tita-" Robin started

"Titans GO!" Beast boy finished and left

They all looked at each other and all shrugged and ran off.

They all arrived at the bank and saw Mumbo-Jumbo.

"Hello children. You guys don't have a ticket. I'll just show you the way out!" Mumbo said waving his wand and right about he struck them Robin kicked him and his hat fell off

"Get his hat!" Robin said

Cyborg pulled out ____ out of the hat

"Oww." she said rubbing her head.

Beast boy came up and hugged her

"You're okay! Wait have you been crying?" He said pulling a little bit away.

"I..I'm fine Beast boy, really. I just wanna go to bed."

He looked at her with a questioned look,"okay."

"I hope you're okay ____." Robin said

"Yeah I'm alright."

"You shall tell us all about your journey, yes?"

"Maybe later Star."

They arrived at the tower

"I'm gonna go to my room." ____ said

"Right behind you." Raven said.

"Wait ____, don't you wanna you know tell us what happened." Beast boy said

"Honestly.. I really don't wanna talk about it. Not now, I wanna clear my head."

"Well okay. Just try to come out soon." Robin said

She nodded and left to her room.

"Friends, she seemed the down." Starfire said

"Yea she did. Something must have happened in Mumbo's hat." Cyborg said

"Well whatever it is, let's just give her some space." Robin said

"Yeah she'll tell us later. Till then, does anyone wanna play video games?" Beast boy said

"I do and I call first player!" Cyborg said

"How bout you Robin?" Beast boy asked

"Um nah I'm actually gonna go train."

"I shall watch may I?" Starfire said

"Yeah sure."


In ____'s room


'I can't believe that he tricked me!

He took me away from my parents!

They could even be alive.

He told me that I was his daughter

He used me, and for what? So he could have my powers?

But why did he wait so long?

Why didn't he do that when I was young, you know when my powers were more dangerous.

How would that creepy blue guy's hat know about the past?' I thought to myself

I take a deep breathe in and I lay down on my back on my bed. I stare at the ceiling for what seemed like forever. I close my eyes and awake to a knock at the door.

No ones POV

____ walks to the door slowly and opens it to Beast boy


"Breakfast. Are you okay? You seem kinda upset."

"No I'm.. Fine."

"No you're not I know you ____."

"It's what I saw in that creepy dudes hat. I messed me up a little that's all."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No I'll tell you later. It's funny."

"What is?"

"You kinda sound like Robin."


"I don't know. You"

"Whatevs. After breakfast wanna play video games?"

"Yeah." She said with a smile

Beast boy grabbed her hand and the walked in the main room.

"Hey ____. You feeling alright?" Cyborg asked. He had a chiefs hat on


They all finished their breakfast and 3 titans played video games while Starfire watched. Robin was training and Raven was reading next to ____.

"I'm gonna win, I'm gonna win, prepare to loose grass stain, you too Tofu Queen."

She gained that nickname because she is dating Beast boy, he likes tofu and when him and Cyborg were fighting about meat she took Beast boys side into saying tofu isn't that bad and sense then he called her the tofu queen.

"I'm your dreams Metal man."____ said as she passed Cyborgs car in their video game.

"Awe man! I was right there!" Cyborg said.

"Hahaha you lost Tin man." Beast boy said

"You didn't do any better! I got beat by my teammate,you got beat by your girlfriend!"


Teen titans reader insert part 2Where stories live. Discover now