Chapter 7

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With Robin and ____...

The mom and dad pushed the two in their 'room' and locked the door so they wouldn't escape

"What are we gonna do Robin?" ____ said worriedly

"I don't know ____."

"They're probably mad at us aren't they Rob?"

"Why would they be mad?"

"Because of all of the horrible things we have done, think about it Robin, we stole, robbed banks, took people begging on their knees, and getting their little things for their plan. They probably hate us." She said sadly

"They don't hate us ____, I've gone through this before with Slade. It will be fine."

"When is 'fine' gonna happen? We're like 5 cities away and we don't have our communicators."

"It will come soon ____."

"What if it doesn't?"

"Then... we have to figure that out if it comes."

The women knocked on the door

"Kids, time for stealing."

"Umm Ms? When can we get some food?" Robin said

"When u bring me what I want, oh and dear, call me mom." She said to him

"Okay um.... mom."

They both entered the lair and met the women

"Okay dears, so I have seen this rare stone which could power the entire city. I want it. Here is were it is I want in less than an hour."

She handed them a map and they ran out the room


"This is stupid, I wish I never even came with them, I wish that they weren't my parents." ____ said

"Look we'll get out of this, I don't know when, but we will." Robin said

"Ugh. Let's just get this over with." She said by the door

She made her eyes blue and her hands glowed blue and Robin took his staff and they walked in

She shot everyone in sight and Robin hit everyone.

They entered a room with a big bright stone. It was a yellow floating stone and ____ carefully picked it up.

They left and ____ eye blasted the guards and Robin guarded her

They left and they re-entered the lair

"That was easy." Robin said

"Yeah I'm starving where's out food?" She said to the mother

"Haha like you're getting food." She said as she grabbed the stone out of ____'s hand

"What?" they both said at the same time

"Why would I give you food? If I do you get strong if I don't you get weak."

"Why do you need us weak?"

____ said

"So I can do this." The women snapped her fingers and 4 men can and grabbed them

They shoved them into a machine and they both banged in the door

"It's no use children." The man said coming out of the shadows

"It's an unbreakable glass nothing on earth can break it."

"Why are you doing this?!" ____ said

"Because, with you two things out the way, we can take over the world." The women said

"What about the other Titans? They'll help us!" Robin yelled

"Silly boy, no they won't. You two we're all heard globally that you two turned evil. They won't help you, you betrayed them all."

"We didn't betray 'mom'." ____ said in a mocking tone to the word mom,"We were captive."

"They don't know that. And they won't know."

"So you're just gonna let us die in here?" Robin said

"Well... yes."

"What kind of Mother are you!?" ____ said

"A clever one."

------- with the titans

It has been 3 days and they made to the town that she and Robin were located

"Oh. My. God. Dude this town is awesome! There is a Pizza City, Ice cream park, TOFU KING, I'm gone!" Beast boy said but was stopped by Raven grabbing his arm

"No." She simply said

"Come on it's practically calling my name."

"Bb were soppost to find Robin and ____ there isn't any time for your dumb fake food!" Cyborg said

"Fine but when we come back, I'm gonna eat so much tofu that my gut will be bigger than the moon."


Robin and ____ lay on the ground barely conscious.

"I'm so hungry Robin."

"Me too."

The lady came and she looked at them

"You stay there we'll be back." She said as she laughed

"They couldn't even get up if they tried." the man said as the laughed out the room

"I swear, I will eat them." ____ said

"Hey am I seeing things because I swear I see Silkie." Robin said looking up

"That is Silk- SILKIE!" ____ said shooting up

They both crawled over and both were saying thing to get him over there

Silkie slithered over and looked at the container and opened his mouth and he ate the glass

The two teens got up slowly and tried to run away while Silkie followed

"How did you two get out?" The mother said

"You said nothing on earth, Silkie is tameranian." ____ said

"No matter, you two are already weak, this will be easy."

Robin tried to fight bit he was too slow and got flipped over

____ started running but got stopped by her father.

____ tried to starbolt him but her powers shortened because of starvation. She fell to her knees.

The father held a iron stick to knock her out but when he went to strike, Silkie ate it

"AH you little vermin!" He said and kicked Silkie

Robin and ____ are now back to back and as soon as they were about to punch the two teens, there came a blast threw the wall

"Teen Titans GO!"

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