Chapter 4

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The next morning it was quiet. Beast boy was passed out on the couch,Cyborg was in his room charging his battery, Robin was training, Starfire was looking for Silkie, and ____ was in her room as so was Raven.

Robin walked in with his gym clothes on.

"Hey Star. What are you doing."

"Oh friend Robin, I cannot find my Silkie. Have you ever seen him?" Starfire asked worried

"No I haven't sorry." Robin said

Beast boy woke up and stretched.

"You dude, what time is it?" He said pointing at Robin.



"Well don't go back to sleep yet Beast boy, the crime alert could come in any second."

"Yeah good point." And Beast boy got up

"I'm going to get ready, you should too."

____ walked in and she stretched.

"Oh hey Robin." She said happily.

"Hey ____, where's your parents?"

"They wanna take me on a trip, that's why they left so they could buy it." She said to him happy

"Oh that's great, you need to spend time with them. When are you going?"

"Tonight it's gonna be great!"

"His long will it be?"

"I think a week."

"That's awesome. Well I'm gonna take a shower, so I'll see ya later."

He left and ____ lays on the couch and Beast boy comes in with a towel in his hands so he could dry his hair.

"Oh hey baby what's shaken?" He said giggling.

"Beast boy my parents are taking me on a trip for a about a week isn't that great?"

"Yeah that is." He said kinda down

"Are you okay? You seem kinda sad."

"No I'm fine, you need some time with them anyway."

"I knew you would understand." She kissed his cheek and she stood up,"I'm gonna go pack."

He watched her leave and he sat down on the couch and took a deep breathe in.

"Great." He said aloud. He grabbed the remote and turned on the tv

Raven walked in.

"So I heard your girlfriend is leaving for the week. Looks like your gonna be alone for a week."

"Yeah I know. No big deal. I can handle it." He said

"You mean you can handle her not cleaning your room with her powers."

"I can clean. I can handle a week without her powers."

"You'll probably just stuff everything under the bed." She said to him reading her book

He looked at her with a mad face.

Cyborg walks in

"What's going on with ____? She spoke so fast I couldn't understand her." He said to them

"She is going on a week long trip with her parents. " Beast boy said

"No more using your girlfriends powers, poor Beast boy." He said with a fake sad face, and started laughing.

------------- that night

"My parents are here." She said looking out the window

She walked up to Cyborg and smiled ," See ya Cy." He smiled back

She waved to Starfire,"By Star."

"Goodbye friend, please remain contact until you return next week."

Then she smiled at Raven and Raven smiled back," See you next week ____" Raven said to her

She walked up to Robin and Robin hugged her,"Bye Robin."

She walked to Beast boy the he kissed her for a solid 5 seconds.

"Bye Beast boy, I'll be back sooner then you think, and don't make your room a mess when I come back."

"I won't."

She walked out the door and she waved outside.

Right after she left Raven spoke up.

"No offense to ____ but her so called 'parents' are strange."

"How are they strange?" Beast boy said

"I just don't trust them." Raven said

--------------with ____

They all walked outside and went into the car.

She put her seatbelt on

"So where are we going?"

"You'll see soon enough." The women with an evil face in the mirror.

They arrived at this big warehouse and they walked in.

It was rusty and busted up. It had tv cameras and a map of the city.

"What is all this? I thought this was a trip." She said to the mother

"It's not."

----------- at the tower

Starfire came in with a detectives jacket on and and a magnifying glass

"What are you doing?" Raven said

"I am searching for the Silkie. Tell me friend, have you seen him?"

"Sorry I haven't. Look in Beast boy's room. You never know what's in it."

"I have searched every room in the tower, and everyone. Silkie? Silkiiiiieee."

"Every room wha? She went in my room?" Raven said. She walked in the room.

"I have a bad feeling about ____. She isn't answering her communicator." Robin said

"Come on Rob, she's probably having a good time." Cyborg said

"I told you her parents are up to something." Raven said.

"Dudes I'm getting worried too." Beast boy said

"I am getting the strange feeling also." Starfire said

"Okay fine guys if your all still worried I'll track her communicator okaay?" Cyborg said. He walked over tithe big computer and started typing.

"I can't find her." Cyborg said

"What!?!?" Beast boy said

"Her communicator is offline."

"I told you that something was up." Raven said

"How are we gonna find her?" Robin said

"Friends remember when Slade had put a tracker in friend ____'s arm? Why do we not try to track that?" Starfire said.

"Wait didn't you dislocate that already Cyborg." Robin said

"I already told you Robin, I can't do that without going into her arm. I'm a mechanic, not a surgeon."

"Then we could track it!" Beast boy said

"I could try, but it would take some time." Cyborg said to him

"Well don't take to much because we don't have a lot." Robin said before he left the room.

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