Chapter 6

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____ tiptoed to the towers door, she pressed her hand on the censor and the door opened.

She walked into the hallway then she went into the main room. She saw Beast boy sleeping on the couch, she tiptoed to the door and went towards the bedrooms.

She walked past everyone's room then went to Robin's.

She picked the lock and the door opened. She walked to his bedside and saw him sleeping peacefully.

"Sorry Robin." She said as she held up her hand and used her powers to pick him up and left out the window.

On the way there Robin woke up

"Wha? ____!? What are you doing?" Robin said tiredly then shook his head and looked around

She didn't respond.

"What are you doing? Let me out!" Robin said as he was banging on the forsefeild around him.

She didn't respond.

"____ seriously, let me out! Why are you doing this? Where are we going?"

"You'll see Robin." She said with a scratchy voice.

They eventually arrived to the lair and they went in. ____ dropped Robin on the floor.

He was sitting on the floor in his pajamas.

"Very good ____, I am very impressed." The man said

"You!" Robin said madly

"Actually us." The women said entering

"Why would you do this? And why would you want me?" Robin said

"Because," the women said," You and ____ are the two most powerful super-heroes, so with both of you on our side, no body could stop us."

"I'm gonna kill you!" Robin said as ____ pulled him back

"No stop! You can't do that!" She said

"And why not?"

"Because he has a button that if he presses it will contaminate everyone and kill them! That's why I haven't already striked." She said to him he looked at her and calmed down.

"What do you want us to do?" He said looking at the floor.

"Good job Robin, I want you two to steal a priceless piece of jewelry." He said to them handing a piece of paper with a small diamond on it

"You want us to steal a pebble?" ____ said confused

"It's not just a pebble," the women said,"It's a grey diamond. It's worth over 50 million dollars. And it it protected by the best defenses."

"We're gonna get caught!" Robin said

"No you won't,____ has done this before haven't you?" She said to ____

"Yeah I guess."


At the tower....

They were all awake and in the living room. All of them had worried looks on their faces.

"Everybody calm down," Cyborg started,"It's Robin, he's fine."

"And what if he is not?" Starfire said

"What if someone took him?" Beast boy said

"Who would kidnap Robin Beast boy?" Raven said

"I'm just saying, what if it was ____'s parents? They took her!" He said at her

"And maybe even the Silkie!" Starfire said and everyone looked at her

"Bb how would they get in without the alarms going off? Only a Titan can get don't think....." Cyborg said trailing off. He went to the computer.

He started typing

"____ isn't in trouble, she is trouble." Cyborg said

"No, No I won't believe it!" Beast boy said

"Believe it BB, your girlfriend is evil again."

"She wouldn't do this! I know her!"

"Beast boy calm down."Raven said

"No Raven I won't calm down, I love her and she loves me! she wouldn't betray us!"

"That's what you said about Terra." Cyborg said

"She isn't Terra."

"What if she is friend Beast boy?" Starfire said

"She isn't."

"Beast boy, I know you're upset but you need to calm down, maybe she didn't turn evil." Raven said

"It's clearly her on the tapes Raven, what are you saying?" Cyborg said

"I'm saying maybe she was blackmailed." Raven said

"Yes do you friends remember the time when friend Robin was the blackmailed by Slade do we not?" Starfire said

"Who would blackmail her Star?" Beast boy asked

"What about friends parents."

"Maybe, but we have to wait until it finds the tracker in her arm, it might not even work." Cyborg said

"Why don't we just get up and look for them?" Raven said

"Because Raven, she is out of the city and that journey would take days even." Cyborg said

"The machine is almost done is it not?" Starfire said

"Almost." Cyborg responded

"It needs to go FFAASTER!!!" Beast boy said

Raven slapped him on the back of his head

"Calm down Beast boy." Raven said

"I won't be calm if Robin and ____ are missing." Beast boy said

"Well we don't to worry, the machine is done, we found her signal." Cyborg said

They all went towards the computer

"Okay Titans GO!"

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